Chapter 361 His Rib Is Broken
"His ribs are broken and he needs to rest for a period of time. During this time, pay more attention to his diet and eat more foods high in calcium. It is best to boil bone soup for him." The doctor paused, and then said: "If Mr. Tang just had a rib fracture and recuperated for a while, it would be fine, but he suffers from severe hypotension. He has just had so much blood drawn. His body must not be able to bear it now. The best way is to keep him in a good mood. Pleasure, don't stimulate him and bring pressure to him."

Yao Yuxing frowned deeply, and looked at the doctor puzzled, "Doctor, you must be mistaken, he is so healthy, tall and mighty, how could he have severe hypotension?"

The doctor put away the stethoscope, smiled, and gave Yao Yuxing a general knowledge of hypotension, "It doesn't depend on body size, everyone, if he doesn't have hypotension, he will have high blood pressure. The blood pressure is neither high nor low. Just now It’s healthy. This low blood pressure can be rectified, just pay more attention to physical recuperation and rest more.”

Yao Yuxing nodded and thanked the doctor, "Thank you, doctor!"

"You're welcome!" The doctor said to Yao Yuxing: "After a while, after he wakes up, you can talk to him."

After the doctor left, Yao Yuxing didn't dare to go in and disturb him, so he stood outside the door and guarded him.

The doctor who treated Tang Yichen just now also informed Grandma Tang and Mother Tang of Tang Yichen's situation.

"What did you say? Yichen was injured? What's going on?" Grandma Tang was lying on the bed, listening to the thunder outside, she was always worried.

When Tang's mother came back, she roughly explained the situation to her. Now that everyone is in this hospital, nothing may happen.

But they didn't expect Tang Yichen to faint!

"His ribs are broken, and I have brought him back. His injury is not as serious as Miss Qin Suya's. He just needs to rest more."

"Then where is Yichen now?" Grandma Tang asked worriedly, and got out of bed after speaking.

"Old Madam Tang, don't worry, you have to take care of yourself. Mr. Tang is being taken care of by someone now, so there is nothing wrong." The doctor hurriedly stepped forward to support Grandma Tang and said.

"Who is taking care of Yichen?" Grandma Tang's expression turned cold.

"Miss Yao, nothing will happen if she is with Mr. Tang," said the doctor.

"Go! Go and get rid of that wicked woman! It's because of her! We, the Tang family, will suffer!" Grandma Tang pointed to Mother Tang and said, "Don't let Yao Yuxing get close to Yichen! They are behind Yichen and other people's backs. The man you're dating has fallen in love, and now you want to try to curry favor with Yichen?"

Mother Tang nodded: "I'll go right away!"

Tang's mother gave Grandma Tang a meaningful look, then turned around and left the ward, and walked to the ward that the doctor said.

She deleted all the call records in Tang Yichen's phone, and warned Tang Ziyao not to tell Tang Yichen about Yao Yuxing's call.

When Mother Tang arrived outside Tang Yichen's ward, she saw Yao Yuxing standing at the door, as soon as she appeared, Yao Yuxing became restrained, even a little scared.

"Yao Yuxing, didn't I tell you to leave! Why are you still here!" Mother Tang said unhappily.

"Madam Tang, Tang Yichen is not in good health now, I have to stay and take care of him." Yao Yuxing said in a low voice.

"We have so many servants in the Tang family, do we need you to take care of them! You are a troublemaker! You see, since you came to Tang Yichen's side, so many things have happened to him!" Mother Tang accused Yao Yuxing, "Big The manor was originally a calm place, a place for Yichen to rest, but since you came, the sky is about to collapse due to the noise! ​​Even Mrs. Li was injured because of you!"

Yao Yuxing's face turned pale when she heard this, she didn't know how to refute Mother Tang.

(End of this chapter)

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