Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 362 Under various pressures

Chapter 362 Under various pressures
Mother Tang stared at Yao Yuxing's expression and felt that her body was trembling slightly. Mother Tang thought that Yao Yuxing was guilty, and snorted coldly in her heart. Looking at Yao Yuxing's delicate and pitiful cheek, Mother Tang wanted to tear her apart. !

"Mrs. Tang, what are you going to do!" Ye Kaiwen stood aside, watching Mother Tang's movements, hurriedly stepped forward to stand in front of Yao Yuxing, and reached out to hold Mother Tang's hand.

Mother Tang frowned, "Ye Kaiwen, this has nothing to do with you! Let go! It's because of her that Yichen got hurt!"

"If you want to hurt Yao Yuxing, I will never let you go!" Ye Kaiwen looked down at Mother Tang and said.

"Yao Yuxing! You are really amazing! You can fascinate so many men all at once!" Mother Tang narrowed her eyes and said sarcastically, "I would like to see, Yao Yuxing, do you dare Tell Ye Kaiwen about the matter between me and Yichen."

"Ms. Tang, do you have to be so barbed when you speak? She is my savior. Now she has an accident. I came to help her. What's wrong?" Ye Kaiwen let go of Tang's mother, "This Yao Yuxing and the other Being with Tang Yichen is not something you can stop, even if Tang Yichen doesn't choose Yao Yuxing, I will silently guard her by her side."

Tang's mother was startled, and looked at Ye Kaiwen in astonishment, "Ye Kaiwen, you take this woman away immediately, I don't want to see her again! I believe Yichen also doesn't want to see her!"

Ye Kaiwen was about to speak, but was stopped by Yao Yuxing. He looked back at her, "You tell me, if you don't, you will only be bullied all the time!"

"Ye Kaiwen, it's okay." Yao Yuxing pulled Ye Kaiwen, then took a step forward, looked at Tang's mother, paused and said, "Mrs. Tang, I can't leave him now, please let me be by his side, when the time comes I will Of course he will leave."

"When do you want to hang around Tang Yichen until you are willing to let go? Yao Yuxing, you are a funeral star, because of you, this is the first time Yichen has been admitted to the hospital? You hurt him like this, don't you mean it?" "Mother Tang yelled sternly, "Just now, he left his grandma alone and went out to find you at the risk of going out like this."

"If Qin Suya hadn't blocked Yichen's danger in time, the person who entered the operating room would have been Yichen!" Mother Tang's voice suddenly softened, and she even went forward to hold Yao Yuxing's hand, begging, "Yao Yuxing Ah, even if I beg you, let Yichen go! Our Tang family depends on him! If you keep entangled like this, I'm afraid it will only ruin his life!"

"You pester him because you want to live a life of prosperity and wealth. How much money do you want? I will definitely satisfy you!" Mother Tang begged Yao Yuxing with great eagerness in her eyes.

Yao Yuxing's heart trembled when she heard that, she and Tang Yichen made the decision following the feeling of her heart, not because she was greedy for his money.And the relationship with him made her retreat several times, but she finally made a bold decision.

After making this decision, she may be immersed in long pain and bear the pressure of various public opinions in her life, but she does not regret it.

She told herself that as long as she had it, it would be fine.

"Mrs. Tang, you can't give me what I want." Yao Yuxing looked at Tang's mother lightly, and said lightly.

"What do you mean!" Tang's mother concluded that Yao Yuxing and Tang Yichen were together for vanity!

"Mrs. Tang, the doctor said that Tang Yichen needs to rest more before he can get better. Don't stay here anymore..."

"Slap!" A crisp applause landed on Yao Yuxing's cheek without any deviation.

(End of this chapter)

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