Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 366 Don't even think about it in your life

Chapter 366 Don't even think about it in your life

Why can't Ye Kaiwen understand the meaning of Tang Yichen's words.

He smiled wryly, "Tang Yichen, if you didn't protect her well, I would definitely take her away. No matter what she was like in the past, I don't care."

"Don't even think about it for the rest of your life, I will hold her in my hand and take care of her." Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes coldly, even though he was injured, he still had an indifferent expression on his face.

Yao Yuxing frowned upon hearing this, and also smelled the faint smell of gunpowder in the air. Before the gunpowder was ignited, she hurriedly pulled Tang Yichen away, and said to Ye Kaiwen, "Kevin, I'm sorry for you!"

Ye Kaiwen didn't make a sound. Looking at their leaving figure, his brows were slightly frowned. He finally looked away, walked to the hospital bed, and met Nian Xuan's dark eyes.

"Nian Xuan, what's the matter?" Ye Kaiwen asked.

"Uncle Ye, I know you like my mommy too, but my mommy belongs to daddy." Nian Xuan put his arms around Ye Kaiwen's body, "Uncle Ye, my daddy can't live without mommy, and neither can I." There is no daddy and mommy."

Ye Kaiwen's heart moved, he stretched out his hand to caress Nian Xuan's small body, and said comfortingly: "Nian Xuan, don't worry, Uncle Ye will not break them up, but if your father dares to treat your mommy badly, I will definitely Will take your mommy away!"

"No! My daddy loves my mommy very much!" Nian Xuan shook his head and said.

"How do you know?" Ye Kaiwen frowned.

"Daddy told me." Nian Xuan looked up at Ye Kaiwen and yawned, "Uncle Ye, I'm sleepy, do you want to sleep with me?"

"Uncle Ye wants to watch over you, go to sleep!" Ye Kaiwen hurriedly supported Nian Xuan to lie down, sat down beside him, and stared at Nian Xuan.

The outline of Nian Xuan is so similar to Tang Yichen.

But the members of the Tang family, even Tang Yichen, felt that Nian Xuan was not the blood of their Tang family.

Even he, an outsider, could see the shadow of Tang Yichen in Nian Xuan.

When she asked Yao Yuxing, Yao Yuxing told him not to meddle in his own business, let alone tell anyone about Nian Xuan's life experience.

Yao Yuxing was right to hide it, after all, the relationship between Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing was not suitable for having children at all.

Yao Yuxing did this for everyone's benefit.

She was so kind to Tang Yichen, if Tang Yichen dared to bully her inhumanely, or even let his family bully her, he would never let Tang Yichen off!
Because he wanted to make it easier for Yao Yuxing to take care of Nian Xuan, Tang Yichen opened a ward next door.

But just as he was pulling Yao Yuxing to sit on the bed and applying medicine to her cheeks, the door opened, and Zhang Zifan walked in with a cold face.

"Yichen, are you still in the mood to make out with Yao Yuxing here?" Zhang Zifan said nervously, giving Yao Yuxing a cold look.

Tang Yichen stood up, looked at Zhang Zifan, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"What else can happen? You have forgotten how Qin Suya saved you and blocked the billboard for you?" When Zhang Zifan rushed over, he didn't see anyone outside the operating room.

The doctor said that although Qin Suya had stopped the bleeding, she was unconscious.

He rushed to look for Tang Yichen, hoping that Tang Yichen's presence by Qin Suya's side would make her wake up quickly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he saw Tang Yichen, he saw him making out with Yao Yuxing with his arms around him.

This woman is important to Tang Yichen, but Qin Suya was also hurt because of Tang Yichen.

"How is she now?" Tang Yichen asked quietly.

"She just came out of the operating room, and the doctor said she was in a severe coma. Would you like to go and see her?" Zhang Zifan looked at Tang Yichen's handsome Zhang and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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