Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 367 Yichen, I'll accompany you there

Chapter 367 Yichen, I'll accompany you there
Tang Yichen hesitated for a moment.

"Yichen, I'll accompany you there!" Yao Yuxing knew that he was concerned about her feelings, so she said to him first.

Tang Yichen looked sideways at the woman who was holding his arm, his eyes were full of complicated emotions.

"Miss Qin Suya was injured because of you, you can't just stand here unmoved." Although she knew that he had already given Qin Suya a blood transfusion, she didn't want to see him fall into self-blame because of Qin Suya's affairs .

"Yichen, let's go!" Zhang Zifan also urged.

Before leaving, Zhang Zifan took a complicated look at Yao Yuxing, but he didn't expect that she would not be unreasonable like other delicate women.

When Zhang Zifan brought Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing to Qin Suya's ward, Yao Yuxing let go of Tang Yichen's arm, stopped, and said to Tang Yichen, "Go in, I'll wait for you outside."

Tang Yichen caressed Yao Yuxing's face, and said to her: "Don't think about it, don't go anywhere, just wait here for me obediently."

"Yeah." Yao Yuxing looked up at him and nodded slightly.

After Tang Yichen entered, he saw Qin Suya lying quietly on the hospital bed, wearing an oxygen mask, and her head was wrapped in white gauze.

"Yichen, look at Qin Suya, she would give up her life for you! And what can Yao Yuxing give you? Except trouble or trouble." Zhang Zifan pointed at Qin Suya and said, "For so many years, Qin Suya has never Forget about you, you knew that she had to leave back then, but you were so ruthless not to want her."

"Do you know how she survived all these years abroad by herself?"

"I'm not interested in knowing these things. I will be responsible for her injuries." Tang Yichen said lightly.

He didn't want to explain more about the past, nor did he want to know too much about her abroad.

Everything about her is insignificant to him, and it doesn't even play any role.

"Yichen, is your heart made of stone? Would you rather treat Yao Yuxing well than accept Qin Suya again?" Zhang Zifan stepped forward and grabbed Tang Yichen's collar, and said, "If she can't wake up for the rest of her life Come on, will you be responsible for her?"

"She'll be fine." Tang Yichen looked at Zhang Zifan coldly with lowered eyes.

"How do you know she'll be fine? She's in a severe coma now. The doctor said that she might wake up in a month or ten years." Zhang Zifan snorted coldly, "A woman who can give you her life , is a woman worthy of your deep love! Instead of giving love to an impossible woman! Yichen, wake up! The relationship between you and Yao Yuxing is impossible to be blessed!"

"Zhang Zifan, I thank you for what happened tonight. But as for my private affairs, I advise you not to worry too much about it." Tang Yichen pushed Zhang Zifan away and straightened his crumpled clothes.

"Yichen, I'm not meddling, but I'm just reminding you, stop doing stupid things for that woman." Zhang Zifan reached out and pressed Tang Yichen's shoulder, "Qin Suya is a good woman, you can't owe her."

Tang Yichen narrowed his eyes, and said to Zhang Zifan: "She is a good woman, but I already have Yao Yuxing in my heart, and other women are just passing by."

"Yichen, don't you really have real feelings?" Zhang Zifan looked at Tang Yichen in shock, "You didn't do this because you avoided the forced marriage at home?"

"Every decision I make, when did I not take it seriously?" Tang Yichen sneered.

"Yichen, it seems that you are really terminally ill!" Zhang Zifan said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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