Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 371 Can't Be So Rude

Chapter 371 Can't Be So Rude

"Tang Yichen, you lunatic!" Yao Yuxing scratched at his hair, this man, after tearing off his usual indifferent expression, turned into such a rogue towards her!

She is still praying that he can be beaten back to his original form quickly, instead of being such a rascal like he is now.

Yao Yuxing quickly left Tang Yichen's room. As soon as she went out, she saw Ye Kaiwen also coming out of the room.

She stepped forward and said, "Kevin, what happened last night caused you trouble. Is Nian Xuan awake?"

Ye Kaiwen looked at her, and was in a daze for a moment. After looking at her for a long time, he just calmed down, nodded and said: "Well, he woke up and was looking for you. I just came out to knock on the door and talk to you." Said."

"Thank you." Yao Yuxing said softly. She was grateful to Ye Kaiwen for what happened last night.

"It's okay." Ye Kaiwen said with a smile, "I'll go out and buy you some breakfast first. What do you like to eat?"

"Don't bother you, I'll just go buy it myself later." Yao Yuxing shook his head quickly and said.

"It's nothing, I don't have anything to do anyway." Ye Kaiwen said, he paused, and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

When Yao Yuxing heard Ye Kaiwen's question, her body trembled, but she didn't know how to answer him. She was so tired that she fell asleep last night, not knowing if it was okay.

Just when Yao Yuxing didn't know how to answer, a figure appeared on the other side of the corridor, walking towards them.

"Yao Yuxing, I brought you breakfast and a set of clothes for you and Nianxuan." Shangguan Jinxuan appeared at the hospital.

"Shangguan Jinxuan, why are you here?" Yao Yuxing asked suddenly when he saw Shangguan Jinxuan appearing.

"I'll come and see if you need help." Shangguan Jinxuan walked up to Yao Yuxing with his things in his hands. His eyes fell on Ye Kaiwen who was standing beside him, "Who is he?"

"Oh, he is Ye Kaiwen, my friend." Yao Yuxing introduced to Shangguan Jinxuan, and then introduced to Ye Kaiwen, "This is Shangguan Jinxuan, the young master of the Shangguan family."

"Hello." The two men glanced at each other lightly and greeted lightly.

The two men were thinking about the same question in their hearts: Tang Yichen was already a rival, and now there was another fly.

Yao Yuxing took the breakfast from Shangguan Jinxuan: "Thank you."

"I'll just get it. I don't know what you like to eat, so I asked Auntie to make some." Shangguan Jinxuan didn't sleep all night last night, listening to the thunder in the studio, painting Yao Yuxing portrait.

He was afraid that she would be tired and go to bed, so he didn't dare to call her, so before dawn, he asked his servant to make breakfast for him, packed it up, and brought it to the hospital.

But as soon as he came to the hospital, he saw a man who looked no less like him standing with Yao Yuxing, and a trace of displeasure welled up in his heart.

As Shangguan Jinxuan said, he took his things, pushed open the door and walked in. As soon as he opened the door, he looked at Nian Xuan who had woken up on the bed and said, "Nian Xuan, Uncle Shangguan brought you delicious food. .”

Nian Xuan smiled and thanked Shangguan Jinxuan: "Thank you, Uncle Shangguan!"

"Did you sleep well last night?" Shangguan Jinxuan asked.

Nian Xuan is Yao Yuxing's darling, as long as he has a good relationship with Nian Xuan, maybe Yao Yuxing will accept him when he sees that Nian Xuan accepts him?

Shangguan Jinxuan thought so.

"Very good, Uncle Kevin stayed with me last night." Nian Xuan nodded.

Because Nian Xuan's unintentional words made Shangguan Jinxuan a little nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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