Chapter 372

Could it be that after Yao Yuxing asked him to leave last night, that man named Ye Kaiwen also came over and stayed with Yao Yuxing all night?
He should have insisted on staying last night, and shouldn't let other men take advantage of it.

"Why is he accompanying you?" Shangguan Jinxuan asked uneasily.

"Because Daddy is here too. Daddy was with Mommy last night, and Uncle Kevin helped take care of me." Nian Xuan showed his little canine teeth and asked, "Uncle Shangguan, what can you do for me?" What delicious food did you bring? I'm so hungry."

"Nian Xuan, you can't be so impolite." Yao Yuxing walked in and said hastily when he heard Nian Xuan asking Shangguan Jinxuan for food.

"Mummy, but I thanked Uncle Shangguan, why can't I eat it?" Nian Xuan pouted his belly button.

"Don't be like this, you're going to scare the child." Shangguan Jinxuan said to Yao Yuxing after putting away his things.

"I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble." Yao Yuxing looked at the two men in front of him, and felt that they had helped her, and now that she and Nian Xuan were fine, she didn't want to cause them any more trouble.

Moreover, Shangguan Jinxuan is Shangguan Jinhuan's younger brother, so she is more or less on guard.

"No trouble, really no trouble." Shangguan Jinxuan said, and then he pulled Yao Yuxing to sit down, "Sit down too, and eat with Nian Xuan."

Shangguan Jinxuan did not expect that even Tang Yichen was here.

Why is that man also in the hospital?And spent the whole night with Yao Yuxing.

When Yao Yuxing was about to feed Nianxuan porridge, the door was opened with a bang, and the sound was a bit loud.

Yao Yuxing was also taken aback by the movement of holding the bowl. The person who made such a big move must be that man.

"Yao Yuxing, you left in such a hurry just now and didn't help me put on my pants. So you came to see two men. You can do it, but you flirted with these two men under my nose." Tang Yichen said with a hint of An angry voice came over.

Upon hearing this, Yao Yuxing stood up quickly, turned around to look at him and said, "Tang Yichen, don't talk nonsense here!"

There is something wrong with this man!To actually say that in front of so many people, does this make her raise her face in front of outsiders?
"Am I talking nonsense? Do you want me to personally verify whether I am talking nonsense?" Tang Yichen's face was gloomy, his eyes were dim, and he couldn't see his emotions at this time.

"What are you doing!" Yao Yuxing was horrified, seeing him walking towards him, asked with a slight frown.

"Don't you know what I'm going to do?" Tang Yichen approached her, his deep eyes were also cold.

"Tang Yichen, Yao Yuxing told you to go out." Shangguan Jinxuan hurriedly stepped forward to block Tang Yichen from approaching Yao Yuxing.

"When did she say that? What are you, dare to meddle in the affairs between me and her here?" Tang Yichen cast his cold eyes on Shangguan Jinxuan: "Don't tell me, Could it be that even a man like you wants to date Yao Yuxing?"

"Tang Yichen, you are enough!" Yao Yuxing put down the thermos bowl, then walked up to Tang Yichen, took his hand, and walked out, "Get out! Don't make trouble for me here, okay! "

Tang Yichen looked at her coldly, "You think I've caused you trouble? Yao Yuxing, I'm the fucking idiot! I braved the wind and rain to go out to find you, but you said these things to me because of these two men? You let me out? What qualifications do you have to let me out? "

He raised his hand, propped it against the wall, and surrounded her whole body between his arms and the wall.

Yao Yuxing was shocked, and looked at him with trembling eyes: "I didn't ask you to find me! And it was all caused by your family's unreasonable troubles! If Shangguan Jinxuan hadn't sent me to the hospital yesterday, I would have I don't know what I can do standing alone in the wind and rain with Nian Xuan in my arms?"

(End of this chapter)

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