Chapter 385 Suspicion
This is indeed the DNA report that Du Lingheng gave her back then, but how could Shangguan Jinhuan have it?When Shangguan Jinhuan said these words last time, she didn't take them seriously at all, and even thought that Shangguan Jinhuan was suspicious.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Jinhuan actually went to investigate the matter!

"Why, I have nothing to say!" Shangguan Jinhuan looked at Yao Yuxing, "Do you know what Grandma Tang and Brother Chen hate most! That is to be deceived and concealed by others! Nian Xuan is obviously yours and Tang Yichen's. Son, you concealed the truth from them! You deceived them! If they knew Nian Xuan's identity, what do you think would happen to you?"

Of course Yao Yuxing knew what was going to happen, and it was because she knew that she asked Du Lingheng to help her make a fake certificate.

Although her son's illness caused her pain and even brought her more unbearable disasters, Nian Xuan was a piece of flesh that fell from her body. No matter what her son's future would be like, she would never give up on Nian Xuan , let alone throw him to anyone!

"Shangguan Jinhuan, what exactly do you want to do!" Yao Yuxing asked tremblingly.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want you to do something for me!" The corners of Shangguan Jinhuan's mouth raised slightly, his voice showing a trace of indifference.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Yao Yuxing looked at her and asked.

"Qin Suya had a car accident not long ago, and you and Brother Chen admit that you did it." Shangguan Jinhuan said.

Yao Yuxing frowned, shook his head and said, "I didn't harm her, and there's no need to harm her. Why should I say I did it?"

"Then I have no choice but to tell Grandma Tang about your son." When Shangguan Jinhuan was talking, the mobile phone was already connected. She put it to her ear and said, "Hey, grandma, I have something to talk to you about. Well, it's about..."

"Shangguan Jinhuan! Don't!" Yao Yuxing lowered his voice and reached out to hold Shangguan Jinhuan to stop her movement, "I promise you!"

When Yao Yuxing heard Grandma Tang's voice coming from the phone, she didn't dare to think about anything!That old lady is really amazing!
If Nian Xuan falls into the hands of the Tang family, who knows what kind of sins her son will suffer!
She can't harm her son!
Just one to bear the consequences!

Seeing Yao Yuxing compromise, Shangguan Jinhuan was naturally happy, even as she expected.

"Yao Yuxing, this is what you promised yourself, I didn't force you to do this." Shangguan Jinhuan said, and handed Yao Yuxing a finalized proposal, "You just need to follow the above and admit The above things are fine."

Yao Yuxing took it over, looked at it, her hands holding the verdict trembled slightly, she raised her eyes to look at Shangguan Jinhuan, "You are so ruthless!"

"This is what you did, it has nothing to do with me!" Shangguan Jinhuan made the matter clear.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, even if I don't expose what you have done, I can tell you clearly that good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil!" Yao Yuxing stuffed the verdict back to Shangguan Jinhuan, "Take care of you!" Things! Don’t expose it when the time comes, you say I’m doing tricks behind my back!”

Shangguan Jinhuan refused to let Yao Yuxing leave, reached out to grab her clothes, and asked, "Why are you willing to be a substitute for the dead!"

"Just keep your promise! About my son, if you let the Tang family know, I will tell you what you asked me to do today!" Yao Yuxing threatened back!

"Yao Yuxing, you still dare to threaten me?" Shangguan Jinhuan tugged on Yao Yuxing's clothes, "You better not let me know that you are doing tricks behind your back! If not, I will definitely have a way to subdue you!"

Yao Yuxing took Shangguan Jinhuan's hand away, and said, "Miss Shangguan, if Granny Tang and the others see your vicious side, do you think they will still be so persistent in asking you to be their daughter-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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