Chapter 386 Hang up the phone

After Yao Yuxing said this, he left from Shangguan Jinhuan and went straight upstairs.

Shangguan Jinhuan committed many crimes, but because of her status, no one would believe that she would do such outrageous things, or even cover her up. Even if Shangguan Jinhuan really committed a crime, her family would find her a scapegoat.

When Yao Yuxing returned to the room, she thought for a long time, and finally made up her mind to call Tang Yichen.

"Tang Yichen, where are you now?" There was a hint of questioning in his tone, "Are you at Qin Suya's place?"

Shangguan Jinhuan told her that Tang Yichen bought a villa for Qin Suya outside to recuperate her injuries, and went to see Qin Suya every day.

"Yao Yuxing, what's wrong with you? Why do you ask that?" Tang Yichen put down the pen, closed the document, stood up, walked to the French window, and asked in a concentrated voice.

"I asked if you were at Qin Suya's place! Tang Yichen, why are you treating me like this! You asked me to stay, and I stayed, but what about you, women appearing around you one after another, have you ever thought about me? feeling!"

Yao Yuxing resisted the slight tremor of her voice, when she questioned Tang Yichen, she could even feel the coldness emanating from him through a phone wirelessly!
"Yao Yuxing! What nonsense are you talking about!" Tang Yichen raised his brows coldly, "I have enough things to do now, please calm down!"

Yao Yuxing was also stunned, and then smiled wryly: "Tang Yichen, I am a woman! When you make a promise to me, if you can't keep it, don't say it! Do you know that this hurts people! You keep talking about the relationship between you and Qin Suya. It doesn't matter anymore! But your study room is full of her murals, now you dare not bring her back to the manor, so you bought her a villa outside, didn't you!"

She knew he was busy, but she had to do what Shangguan Jinhuan wanted, making him feel that she had great opinions and complaints about Qin Suya.

When Yao Yuxing spoke, tears could not help but fall down.

It turned out that she would also be hurt if she said something against her will.

"Yao Yuxing, are you crazy! I really don't have time to listen to your nonsense now! Isn't what I give you enough! What are you fighting with a patient here! Didn't we agree to each other? Trust me! What the hell are you thinking about!" Tang Yichen said, wanting to hang up.

"Tang Yichen, since Qin Suya is back, let me go!" Yao Yuxing's left hand was slightly clenched into a fist, and the nails directly dug into the palm of his hand.

"Yao Yuxing! Don't make trouble for me anymore! If you say another word! See how I will deal with you!" Tang Yichen said coldly, and before Yao Yuxing could reply, he directly hung up the phone!

This smelly woman!Just make trouble for him!

Yao Yuxing watched the phone being hung up, she could hear that he was already angry!

Tang Yichen also explained to her that he did this only to reassure his conscience, Qin Suya was injured because of him, so he must take the responsibility.

She was still hugging him and said that if she understood what he did, she would understand him.

However, in the blink of an eye, she began to waver!

Yao Yuxing gritted his teeth and dialed again!
Tang Yichen looked at the caller ID and was very upset. What she said just now was still circling in his mind!

This woman, come and tell him nonsense again!
So, he turned off the phone directly.

His mobile phone had just been turned off. A few seconds later, Assistant Su Te knocked on the door and came in. "President, Ms. Yao's phone number..."

"Hang up!" Tang Yichen said firmly without raising his head.

Holding the mobile phone, Assistant Su trembled, and hurriedly said to the phone: "Miss Yao, the president is working in the president's office now, and he will call you back when he is done."

(End of this chapter)

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