Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 391 Didn't Tell Me Anything

Chapter 391 Didn't Tell Me Anything

Tang Yichen saw her thoughts, lowered his eyes secretly, his eyes turned cold, then raised them suddenly, and looked into her panicked eyes.

"Yao Yuxing, what Shangguan Jinhuan said to you, you will be charged with these crimes!" Tang Yichen squeezed her jaw a little harder, as if he wanted to crush her like a piece of glass!
"She didn't say anything to me!" she said, shaking her head.

"I went to work as Ou Ruonan's assistant for a few days, but I learned how to act." Tang Yichen raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, and then picked her up from the stool at the end of the bed, walked around the end of the bed, and came to the center of the bed, lowering his eyes and looking deeply looked at her.

"Tang Yichen..." Looking into his deep eyes, she vaguely sensed what he was going to do, hurriedly called his name and said, "Don't touch me!"

Hearing this, Tang Yichen frowned, and then threw her feather-light body onto the bed!
The softness of the big bed was of an extremely soft level. She bounced on the bed a few times before it was firmly attached to the bed.

She watched him pull his tie, and quickly backed away until she reached the head of the bed.

"You little thing, if you don't give you some punishment, it's because you can't remember how to behave yourself and do your duty well! I never thought of punishing you, but now you come to your door automatically, so don't blame me." Tang Yichen untied the tie knot, and then with a snap, he pulled the tie away neatly.

As soon as Tang Yichen approached the big bed, the bed couldn't bear his weight, so it sank to a certain depth.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, Yao Yuxing regained his composure, and hurriedly got out of bed and wanted to run out to ask for help!
But Tang Yichen's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he stretched out his hand, grabbed her ankle, and pulled her body towards him.

Yao Yuxing felt her ankles being restrained, so she kicked him violently and shouted: "Tang Yichen, let me go! Don't hold my feet!"

Tang Yichen exerted strength on his wrist, and suddenly grabbed her small body under his body.

He looked at her with red eyes, and said, "Yao Yuxing, what did I do to dissatisfy you? You want to fight me like this! Do you know that you can eat food but not talk nonsense! You can say whatever you want Didn’t you ever think about bearing the consequences for saying those words! If it’s really what you did, if you were arrested and put in jail, who will take care of Nian Xuan for you?”

"You want me to take care of Nian Xuan for you?" Tang Yichen said, snorting coldly, "Don't even think that I will take over Nian Xuan's hot potato! If you want to take care of him, take care of him yourself!"

Although his words were unintentional, they could also turn into a cold and hard arrow that pierced her heart.

As she heard it, tears fell down uncontrollably.

He actually said that Nian Xuan was a hot potato, and that he would not take care of Nian Xuan.

How could he say such a thing?

At this moment, she stopped struggling under his body, and looked at him blankly, "How can you be so cold-blooded! Nian Xuan is..."

When the words reached her throat, she swallowed, stuck the following words in her throat, and swallowed them back!

"What is he?" Tang Yichen asked.

Every time he said these words, she would want to speak.

"Nothing." Yao Yuxing said lightly.

He squeezed her chin, looked into her beautiful eyes, and said, "What are you talking about? Every time you talk about Nian Xuan, you just want to say something. If you look like this, it's easy to make people feel angry." Misunderstand."

"Tang Yichen, after all, Nianxuan is on your household registration, and you have to help me take care of him because of emotion and reason." Yao Yuxing said straightforwardly.

More importantly, Nian Xuan also has a role, and he must be responsible to Nian Xuan!

"Am I obligated to take good care of him in my household registration book?" Tang Yichen looked at her coldly, and asked forcefully, "Yao Yuxing, you have to give me an explanation for your behavior today! What happened? What is it that you can't let me know?"

(End of this chapter)

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