Chapter 392 She Looks Like Him

Yao Yuxing lowered his eyes and didn't look at him. After taking a deep breath, he said slowly, "Tang Yichen, Qin Suya's car accident was indeed caused by me. It has nothing to do with Shangguan Jinhuan. I wanted to blame Shangguan Jinhuan , I want to kill two birds with one stone and make the two women disappear from your eyes, only in this way can I own you 100%."

"Raise your head and look at me to speak." Tang Yichen ordered coldly.

It took a long time before Yao Yuxing raised his eyes slowly and looked at him.

"Yao Yuxing, let me tell you..." Tang Yichen looked at her seriously, attentively, and affectionately. He rubbed her hair and said, "Even if you don't deal with these two women, I will always be your."

"..." She choked and looked at him.

"Why don't you talk anymore? Don't you believe what I said?" Tang Yichen said, took a knife from the bedside, put it in her hand, pointed the knife point at his chest, looked at her and said, "If you don't believe me, , you can cut it open with a knife and take out my heart to see if I’m telling the truth.”

As Tang Yichen said, he leaned forward for a while, the point of the knife was under heavy pressure, and a dimple was poked out of his clothes.

Her hand trembled when she saw it, and when she was about to let go, she was held by his big hand, and her hand tightly held the handle of the knife again.

"Tang Yichen, are you sick! Why is there a knife hidden in the room!" She said angrily.

Watching him take out a knife, her heart kept trembling!

"Yao Yuxing, what do you want me to do to eliminate the fear in your heart? If you have anything to do, you have to discuss it with me and explain it to me. If you don't say anything, I can't guess it. This way can solve it. Is there a problem?" He took the knife away, threw it on the ground, pressed her body, and said in a calm voice: "I never thought of hurting you, and we also agreed that we trust each other, but now you Come to question me, what do you think I should do with you?"

Yao Yuxing said firmly: "The car accident was really my fault."

He stared at her in a daze, and said, "Yao Yuxing, if you dare to lie to me, let me see how I deal with you!"

Yao Yuxing was terrified when she heard this, but she still faced his questioning with a firm attitude: "I don't need to lie to you."

"I had so much time to explain to you before that, why didn't you explain and came now?" Tang Yichen snorted softly, "Don't even think about wearing this if you don't give me a reasonable reason."

Yao Yuxing frowned slightly, "I have a bad conscience now, can't I turn myself in?"

"Yao Yuxing, do you really think that I have the IQ of a three-year-old child, so you can fool me so easily?" Tang Yichen said with a cold face, "Clarify the matter to me!"

"Tang Yichen, do you really not understand people's words, and you still want me to lie to you!" Yao Yuxing stretched out his hand against his lowering chest, looked at him and said, "I know you hate people who deceive you, so I'm frankly lenient! I have no objection to how you deal with it, but I only ask you for one thing, no matter whether I'm arrested or imprisoned, I hope you can help me take good care of Nianxuan."

"Your own son doesn't care about it and throws it to me to take over. Are you really a ball back then who can throw it around at will!" Tang Yichen looked at her deeply, "It's because you are still his mother. Can't you even see his desire for a complete family? Although he also knows that I am not his daddy, he is willing to let me be his daddy, do you know why? "

Yao Yuxing looked at him suspiciously, "..."

"Because he said that I look like him." Tang Yichen looked at her clear beautiful eyes and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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