Chapter 404 Qualities
"Yes, Mom, Dad is right, we have to be patient." Little Mustard stepped forward and said, after a pause, Little Mustard continued: "Dad, I met a kid in church just now, he My mommy seems to be called Yao Yuxing, also surnamed Yao."

"Where is she now?" Bai Binghe couldn't miss a chance at this time.

"Maybe she left, maybe she's still in the church. I just met Sister Mary at her place." Little Mustard said.

"Driver, turn around and go back." Duan Muze said to the driver.

"Okay, sir!" The driver hurriedly searched for the next intersection, turned around and went back to the church.

When Sister Mary saw Little Mustard turned back again, she asked, "Little Mustard, what's the matter?"

"Where's the kid Nianxuan just now? Where are he and his mommy?" Little Mustard asked.

"They've already left," Mary replied.

"Then Mary, do you know where they live?" Little Mustard took Mary's hand and said, "My family has something to ask her, please tell us, where is their home?"

Mary said apologetically, "Sorry, I don't know where they live, but every Sunday, she comes here to pray."

"That's it... Thank you, Mary!" Little Mustard thanked.

"You're welcome, you can come here next Sunday," Mary replied.

"Okay!" Little Mustard turned to her parents and said, "Mom and Dad, we can only come here next Sunday to try our luck."

"That's the only way! It's just that we have to wait for seven days. The time is really sad..." Bai Binghe said sadly.

"Mom, it's okay. I'll come with you when the time comes. I've seen that child and that girl." Little Mustard said.

Maybe this is fate, there is an arrangement in the dark.

When they returned to China, they were actually secretly looking for the child who was swapped back then.

Duanmuze arrived at the hotel with Bai Binghe and mustard, but Duanmuze didn't stop working, he was in charge of an international project, and this time he came here to assess several groups with relatively strong comprehensive strength, to see if they could be competent in the end Who is the group of this project.

And he will be in charge until the end of the project.

As for the groups participating in the invitation project this time, the most powerful one is the Tang Group, which is the top ten chaebols in Western Europe.

"Little mustard, you stay here with mom, I'm going to talk to others about work first." Duan Muze said.

"Papa, be careful on the road." Little Mustard kissed Duan Muze and said with a wave.

Duan Muze left and went to several representative groups one by one, pretending to be a salesman to ask the front desk.

When Duanmuze cooperates with others, not only depends on the comprehensive strength of the other party, but also depends on the overall quality of the other party.

In the first few groups he went to, the service at the front desk was not very good. Seeing that he came to run business as a salesman, he was kicked out before he introduced the products.

When he finally arrived at Shangguan Group and Tang Group, the attitudes of these two groups were slightly better.

The front desk of the Shangguan Group registered his visit, his name and contact information, and asked him to go back and wait.

After he left the Shangguan Group with a sigh, he arrived at the Tang Group.

"Hello, what can I do?" The receptionist of the Tang Group, seeing him from afar, stood up politely and asked him what he was going to do.

Then he took him to the reception room and brought him a cup of coffee.

"I'm looking for the president of your group." Duan Muze changed his method this time.

"Excuse me, sir, what is your surname, do you have an appointment?" the front desk asked politely.

"Just call me Mr. Ze. I don't have an appointment. I'm here for business. I hope to cooperate with your company." Duanmu Ze said.

(End of this chapter)

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