Chapter 405 Confidentiality
"Okay, Mr. Ze, first of all, I have to talk to you about our company's process. For general business matters, you should go to the business department, not our president, but if you want to see the president, I can give You make an appointment, what do you think?"

"How many years have you been working here?" Duan Muze was overwhelmed by the politeness of the woman in front of him.

"I've been here for five years." The woman's face was slightly startled, although she didn't understand why the man asked such a question, she still answered politely.

Because the purpose of the Tang Corporation for its employees is to serve with a smile and explain patiently, and remember not to be arrogant and respectful to anyone who steps into the Tang Corporation.

"It's been five years. Whether it's long or short, do you have a chance for promotion?" Duan Muze asked again.

"Mr. Ze, I used to be a cleaner here, but through the opportunity and platform given by the group, I was promoted to the front desk customer service. I feel very proud! Because our president said that we represent the face of the group, and we must constantly Charge yourself and study." The woman replied with a smile, she saw a figure passing by outside the reception room, she hurriedly said to Duan Muze: "Sir, I'm sorry, I'll go out for a while."

As soon as the woman at the front desk came out of the reception room, she stopped the man in front of her, "Assistant Su Te, there is a salesman here who doesn't have an appointment, but he insists on seeing the president. Come and see what's going on."

"Well, okay, I'll take care of this matter." Assistant Su Te nodded, and then let the front desk go to work, he knocked on the door and entered the reception room.

As soon as Assistant Su Te came in and saw the man sitting on the leather sofa, the two exchanged glances. Assistant Su Te was slightly taken aback, and hurried forward, and put his hand in front of Duan Muze: "Mr. Duan Mu! Why are you here? "

"Su Tezhu, I have to say that your Tang Group is really a powerful group and is trustworthy!" Duan Muze praised without reservation.

"Mr. Duanmu, why didn't you say hello when you came? The president didn't come to the company today. He went to pray with his family, and he won't come back until tomorrow." Assistant Su Te apologized and said, "If you have anything to do, you can Tell me first, and I will pass it on to the president."

"I didn't do this right either. I came here without an appointment in advance. In fact, I came here to inspect the humanistic quality of so many groups in advance. Please don't blame me for my actions." Duan Muze Said, "Another day, I'll call to make an appointment with President Tang."

"Mr. Duanmu, have you eaten yet? I'll make arrangements for you." Assistant Su Te said.

"No need, I have to go back to be with my family." Duan Muze stood up, seemed to think of something, and asked, "President Tang is married?"

"Oh, not this one." Su Tezhu replied, Su Tezhu also stood up, sent Duan Muze away from the Tang Group Building, "Mr. Duanmu, I will take you out."

After Duan Muze left, Assistant Su Te reported the situation here to Tang Yichen.

When Tang Yichen received help from Su Te that Duan Muze had come to China, he was very emotional.

He turned around, raised his hand, rushed to the little woman sitting beside him, and kissed her deeply on the forehead: "Yuyu, I will bring you good news soon! "

Yao Yuxing froze, holding the tablet for a while, and asked in a daze, "Tang Yichen, what good news?"

What was the news that made him so happy?
"Temporary secrecy, I will tell you when it is finished." Tang Yichen was happy, he put his arms around her and couldn't help kissing her a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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