Chapter 407 Are You Pregnant?

"Mr. Duanmu, I'm sorry, if you don't agree, then let it go. I can't possibly agree to marry your daughter because of this matter." Tang Yichen said, then stood up, with a cold face, and said: "I will leave first gone."

Seeing Tang Yichen leaving, Duan Muze stood up, looked at her back and said: "President Tang, I know you care about this international project, and I am the person in charge. If you and my daughter If the matchmaking is successful, I think you, the Tang Corporation, will surely win."

Hearing this, Tang Yichen stopped in his tracks, then turned his head, looked at Duanmu Ze and said, "Mr. Duanmu, I, Tang Yichen, have never relied on women to do things, and this project has combined various abilities and strengths. So far, only Tang's The group is competent, I don't think you will be so confused as to distinguish right from wrong just because I don't accept your kindness."

After speaking, Tang Yichen left.

Looking at the figure of Tang Yichen leaving proudly, Duan Muze sighed in his heart and said: "This man is worthy of any woman's entrustment for life, but first of all, it must be the woman Tang Yichen loves. If not, you will not be happy if you marry him. .”

What kind of woman is it that can win Tang Yichen's heart?

He really wanted to see what the woman Tang Yichen talked about looked like.

After Tang Yichen returned to the car, he felt very uncomfortable.A few days ago, he agreed to give Yao Yuxing good news, but now it is probably over.

Duan Muze's attitude is very firm, he must exchange his happiness for bone marrow.

If he gave up Yao Yuxing because of this and was with a woman he had never met, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

While he was in a daze, Yao Yuxing's call came in.

"Hey, Yuyu, what's the matter?" Tang Yichen asked softly.

"Tang Yichen, are you free now?" Yao Yuxing asked after a pause on the phone.

"Free, where are you?" Tang Yichen started the engine.

"Of course I'm at home, but I have something to tell you, is it convenient for you to come back now?" Yao Yuxing asked nervously.

"What's so tense?" Tang Yichen heard the slight tremor in her voice, and asked.

"You can talk about it when you come back. I can't explain clearly on the phone." Yao Yuxing said, and hung up the phone.

Tang Yichen was worried that something would happen to her, so he quickly drove away.

When he returned home, he hurriedly found Yao Yuxing, seeing her dazed and pale face, his heart ached, and he asked in a calm voice, "Yuyu, what happened?"

Yao Yuxing stared at him blankly, without saying a word.

Instead, he slightly raised his hand, and put something in his hand in front of him to look at, "Tang Yichen, look at this..."

"Pregnancy test stick?" Tang Yichen picked up the pregnancy test stick in Yao Yuxing's hand, looked at the results on it, looked at Yao Yuxing excitedly, "Are you pregnant?"

"Tang Yichen, how can you still laugh! I'm pregnant, and the matter is very serious!" Yao Yuxing was in a turmoil, "What should I do now!"

"When you are born, I will be responsible for you." Tang Yichen hugged her excitedly and said with a choked voice.

"Tang Yichen, are you crazy! This is impossible!" Yao Yuxing pushed him away violently!

Tang Yichen looked at her, "Are you going to kill our child?"

"Otherwise? Is it really going to be born? He can't stay..." When Yao Yuxing said, tears fell down.

She raised her hand to touch her stomach, Tang Yichen also noticed this action.

"Yuyu, no matter what, the child is innocent." Tang Yichen looked at her and said.

"But he can't stay! Have you forgotten what our relationship is!" Yao Yuxing raised his watery eyes to look at him, and said sadly.

(End of this chapter)

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