Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 408 Don't Make Me Suffer

Chapter 408 Don't Make Me Suffer

Tang Yichen looked at her steadfastly, with a trace of blood in his deep eyes, he raised his hand and placed it on her flat belly, his voice was mixed with thick sobs.

"Yuyu, this is my flesh and blood, why are you willing to hurt him?" He stared at her with scarlet eyes, "You have to be so cruel just because of our relationship?"

"Otherwise? Do you want me to give you a deformed fetus! Tang Yichen, I will go crazy!" When Yao Yuxing raised his hand to remove his big hand on her stomach, his wrist tightened, and she The strength couldn't take his hand off.

She is really scared!

One Nianxuan has already exhausted her mentally and physically. If there is another one, she is really worried that this child will be mentally retarded, or have missing legs and arms...

All the bad things are circling in her mind!

"Yuyu! Don't be afraid! Everything is mine!" Tang Yichen couldn't see her crying, and gently embraced her into his arms, burying her face in front of his chest, he could even feel her chest The front of his clothes was wet, and the hot tears burned his skin.

"Tang Yichen, this child can't be kept..." Yao Yuxing said sobbingly, biting her trembling lips, "Tang Yichen, please, let me abort this child..."

She didn't want this child's fate to be the same as Nian Xuan's, or even more difficult than Nian Xuan's.Her heart can't be tossed anymore.

"Yuyu, give me some more time to think about it." He closed his deep, painful eyes and said sadly.

"Tang Yichen, the child will grow up in my stomach little by little. If it takes a long time, I will have feelings for him. I will be reluctant to take him away..." Yao Yuxing said in a broken voice. She remembered that she was pregnant with Nianxuan before. At that time, she was looking forward to Nian Xuan's arrival with all her heart.

Every day, she could feel Nian Xuan growing up slowly in her stomach.

"I obviously took medicine, but I still got pregnant by accident..." Yao Yuxing choked up and said.

"Didn't I not allow you to eat it! Those things are harmful to your body! I also told you that if you really have one, give birth, and I will take good care of you. No matter what the child becomes, I will accept it." Yes." Tang Yichen tightened his arms, hugging her trembling body a little tighter.

His voice trembled with fear.

"Have you never seen deformed children? If you bring those deformed children to others, you will make them suffer all kinds of injuries and pains." Yao Yuxing hugged Tang Yichen's strong waist tightly, "We can obviously control They are in such pain, why do they have to suffer unnecessary pain?"

"The arrival of every child is inevitable and a gift from heaven. I don't believe that with my powerful genes, a deformed child will be born!" Tang Yichen's eyes were full of coldness.

Yao Yuxing's body trembled slightly when he heard his words, did he really think it was impossible?
What is Nianxuan?Nian Xuan is a perfect example right now...

"Tang Yichen, look at Nian Xuan, what kind of pain is he enduring now!" She pushed him away abruptly, letting the tears slide down her cheeks, the vapor in front of her eyes continuously blurred her vision.

"Nianxuan is different..." he said.

"Why is it different! Do you know the pain that Nian Xuan has to endure now! We don't even know if he can survive... The torture and pain that Nian Xuan gave me is enough! I don't have the energy to endure so much pain anymore..." Yao Yuxing's body slid down slowly, she squatted down, pressed her hands on her lower abdomen, and cried loudly: "Tang Yichen, please, don't let me suffer this kind of pain again. It's..."

(End of this chapter)

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