Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 409 What Are You Holding In Your Hand?

Chapter 409 What Are You Holding In Your Hand?

Tang Yichen sat on the stool at the end of the bed, put his hands on his forehead, lost in thought, finally got up, walked to Yao Yuxing's side, and helped her sit down.

"Yuyu, I'll give you an answer to this matter in a few days. But you can't let other people know about your pregnancy, especially that Shangguan Jinhuan." Tang Yichen reminded.

"Tang Yichen, if you don't like Shangguan Jinhuan so much, you can let her leave here. If you stay here, she will only sow discord. You know that your family intends to ask her to be your wife, but you still let me live here too." Come down, isn't this giving her a chance to bully me?" Yao Yuxing raised his chin, frowned slightly, and said while looking at him.

"Grandma told her to stay here, I can't disobey, but I won't be an idiot so I don't know who did it when something happened at home." Tang Yichen looked at her with frowned eyes, "It's you, why do you rely on the superior alone? You're going to let her control Jin Huan's every word?"

Yao Yuxing lowered his head, an inexplicable sadness welled up in his heart.

Shangguan Jinhuan knew the secret between her and Du Lingheng. If she refused to agree to Shangguan Jinhuan, Shangguan Jinhuan would definitely expose these things.

She can't let Tang Yichen know for the time being, she wants to wait until she and Nian Xuan leave this place of right and wrong, and they know the truth and it has nothing to do with her.

"Yuyu, I'm talking to you, you look into my eyes and answer me why you listen to Shangguan Jinhuan, did she threaten you with something?" Tang Yichen raised her jaw and asked slightly.

"She didn't threaten me with anything." Yao Yuxing shook his head and said.

"She didn't threaten you with anything, so why are you so scared when you see her?" Tang Yichen asked again.

"You are her fiancé, and I am always with you, so she looks at me with resentment and murderous eyes, do you think I am not afraid?" Yao Yuxing stood up, looked at him and said, "Tang Yichen, No matter what happens, this child can't stay, aren't you afraid that he will be as weak and sick as Nian Xuan in the future?"

"Now that medicine is so advanced, there is nothing to be afraid of." Tang Yichen said seriously while holding her shoulders.

Yao Yuxing sighed softly: "But what about your family? They know that our relationship can no longer be tolerated. If you let them know that I am pregnant, how do you think they will react?"

Tang Yichen sighed secretly, "Yuyu, calm down first, without my permission, you remember not to hurt my child, if not, I don't know what I will do!"

When he spoke, there was a gloomy look in his eyes, which made Yao Yuxing afraid to say another word.

When Tang Yichen left the room, Yao Yuxing stood there in a daze, then sat on the bed discouraged, looked down at the pregnancy test stick in his hand, and stroked his flat belly with his hands.

Today, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't had a regular appointment for almost two months, and the incident with him was frequent. According to her past experience, an uneasy thought came to her mind.

She went to buy a pregnancy test stick and came back. She tested several sticks in a row and they all got the same result.

She was undecided in the end, and just called Tang Yichen to discuss it.

This time, she can't be willful, she must discuss with him and tell him the truth.

Nian Xuan was born with so much pain because of her close relatives with Tang Yichen.

"Yao Yuxing, have you done what you promised me?" Suddenly, a questioning voice came into Yao Yuxing's ears.

Yao Yuxing stood up, hid the hand holding the pregnancy test stick behind his back, looked at Shangguan Jinhuan and said, "I've said what needs to be said."

"Then why is Tang Yichen treating you better than before? What did you say to him? Aren't you afraid that I will tell him that Nianxuan is his child!" Shangguan Jinhuan stepped forward, watching her movements, " What are you holding in your hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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