Chapter 410
"Nothing!" Yao Yuxing sat down slowly, and hid the pregnancy test stick in his hand under the quilt.

"Nothing?" Shangguan Jinhuan stepped forward and reached out to grab Yao Yuxing's hands, "Take it out, I want to see what you are hiding!"

Yao Yuxing's strength was no match for Shangguan Jinhuan, so she was soon subdued by Shangguan Jinhuan, seeing her hands being caught in the air by Shangguan Jinhuan, she frowned, "Shangguan Jinhuan, have you had enough trouble! If I say no, there will be no! Why do you have to make life difficult for me!"

"Yao Yuxing, it's you who can't get along with me!" Shangguan Jinhuan was startled for a moment, and then growled loudly at Yao Yuxing, "Did you do what I asked you to do? Don't you worry that I will expose you? matter!"

Yao Yuxing looked at Shangguan Jinhuan, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "I may have been afraid before, but now I am not afraid at all! Because I have told Yichen the truth, he said that no matter what happens, he will be with me Let’s advance together! But you, if you tell Grandma Tang these things, you will be a sinner. Grandma Tang likes you so much, why would she like you to become the kind of unprincipled snitch? Your image will also be greatly improved. lowered."

"You want to threaten me?" Shangguan Jinhuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Yao Yuxing fiercely.

"I'm not threatening you, I'm telling the truth!" Yao Yuxing met Shangguan Jinhuan's eyes and said, "Even if I make trouble for no reason, Yichen will always stand by my side, no matter what you do or say, Yichen You won't do anything to me just because of your actions or words."

Listening to Yao Yuxing's words, Shangguan Jinhuan felt that Yao Yuxing didn't take her seriously at all, and hated her so much, "Yao Yuxing, do you think I don't know you're playing tricks! Maybe I can't make Brother Chen cure you, but I It can prevent you from raising your face in the Tang family!"

Yao Yuxing's heart trembled, she knew that Shangguan Jinhuan could say it and do it, but such a crazy woman made her feel scared from the bottom of her heart.

"Shangguan Jinhuan, you go out, this is my room, please don't step in without my permission in the future!" Yao Yuxing said lightly.

"I don't care about coming here! I just want to tell you that tonight I was invited to go back to the Tang family's old house for dinner with Brother Chen." Shangguan Jinhuan said triumphantly: "And Brother Chen also agreed. Grandma Tang, only the two of us are allowed to go back tonight."

Appreciating the lonely expression on Yao Yuxing's face, Shangguan Jinhuan was very satisfied, and then she went out and returned to her room to tidy herself up.

After watching Shangguan Jinhuan leave, Yao Yuxing broke out in a cold sweat. She sat down on the bed, took out the pregnancy test stick from the quilt, and threw it into the trash can.

She stroked her lower abdomen and said in a low voice: "Baby, Mommy is sorry for you, Mommy can't make you suffer..."

While speaking, the tears that dangled in the eye sockets slipped down and wet the cheeks.

Because Tang Yichen wanted to go back to Tang's old house for dinner with Shangguan Jinhuan, and he didn't mention it to her, so it was inconvenient for her to question him.

Even if she was asked to go back to eat with him, she was no longer in that mood.

She asked her mother to help look after Nian Xuan, and after Tang Yichen and Shangguan Jinhuan left, she asked the driver to take her to church.

She wanted to ask the Lord to forgive her sins.

"Miss Yao, today is not Sunday, why are you here now, and it's so late." The priest was reciting scriptures in the church, and seeing Yao Yuxing feeling a little depressed, even anxious, he asked, "Miss Yao, what happened?" Is something wrong, if there is something wrong, tell the Lord boldly, and the Lord will help you."

"Father, I have sinned...the sins are serious...I want to ask for forgiveness of my sins..." Yao Yuxing knelt before the Lord with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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