Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 411 Time Proves Everything

Chapter 411 Time Proves Everything

Yao Yuxing told the Lord one by one about the pain hidden in his heart.

After hearing the words, the priest walked up to Yao Yuxing and helped her stand up.

"Miss Yao, every little life is arranged in the dark. No one can deprive him of the right to come into this world, even his biological parents."

"Father, but this child..." Yao Yuxing was very uncomfortable.

"Miss Yao, there is a saying in China that a boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, and keep it until the clouds open to see the moon. The relationship between you and him, and the baby in your belly, let time tell." The priest supported Yao Yuxing in the Sit down on a nearby chair.

"Father, the relationship between me and him, how can I want this child?" Yao Yuxing asked anxiously, "Nianxuan has already made me feel very guilty. If there is another one, I am afraid that I will not be able to bear it."

"Miss Yao, when you insisted on giving birth to Nianxuan, you also came to the church to pray every day. At that time, you were so firm and persistent, full of maternal love. Why do you have the heart to kill this child now? Son It's innocent." The priest put a cross in Yao Yuxing's palm, "What kind of relationship, there will naturally be a solution, you calm yourself down and raise your baby with peace of mind."

"Father, do you mean to let me keep this fetus?" Yao Yuxing looked at the priest and asked in a concentrated voice.

"The Lord will not harm any life." The priest raised his hand and pointed to Jesus, "It's getting late, you should go back first."

"Thank you priest for your enlightenment." Yao Yuxing looked at the priest gratefully, "I may not be able to come to pray this weekend, so I came early tonight if I have time."

"As long as you have the Lord in your heart, the Lord is there."

After Yao Yuxing said goodbye, he left the church.

When Yao Yuxing came out of the church, a black figure appeared in front of her with a sudden sound, which really shocked her.

Before she could recover, she was embraced.

"Bai Che! Why are you hugging me! Let me go!" Yao Yuxing saw that the man in front of her was Bai Che, she frowned, "Bai Che, what are you doing!"

"Xiaoyu! She came to look for me! But I can't let you go!" Bai Che hugged Yao Yuxing and refused to let go. No matter how hard she struggled, he was unwilling to let go, "Xiaoyu, seeing so many men around you , I feel very sad!"

Yao Yuxing rejected him: "Don't get drunk here! I'm going back!"

She had to go home before Tang Yichen returned to the manor.

"Xiao Yu, you're wasting your youth with Tang Yichen like this, and you're wasting your youth, do you know!" Bo Che hugged Yao Yuxing tightly, "He's going to be engaged to Shangguan Jinhuan next month, and he's going to put What do you mean by staying by your side!"

"What did you say?" Yao Yuxing paused.

"Don't you know?" Bai Che let go of her, held her face in his hands, and said anxiously, "Xiaoyu, I will take care of you, Nian Xuan, and the child in your belly."

"I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't need you to take care of us!" There was a look of loneliness in her eyes, she pushed him away and said, "Bai Che, I told you that I owe you , I've already paid it off, so don't come looking for me when you have nothing to do!"

"Little fish, seeing you fall into Tang Yichen's trap, I can't bear to hurt you even more!" Bai Che looked at her with red eyes, "I heard the conversation between you and the priest just now. You are pregnant Tang Yichen's child, and if this child is born, you will only fall into an even bigger quagmire, I can't just watch you get hurt again!"

Yao Yuxing saw someone passing by in front of him, but he didn't see who it was, so he hurriedly hid behind the person.

(End of this chapter)

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