Chapter 421 No attempt
In the past few days, Yao's mother went out, Yao Yuxing asked her where she was going, and she said to go for a walk, but Yao's mother stayed for a whole day when she went out, and her whole appearance changed.

On this day, Yao's mother continued to go out, she didn't go anywhere, but guarded outside the hotel where Duan Muze lived, wherever Bai Binghe and the others went, she followed, hiding behind and following far away.

Duanmuze went out to work, while Bai Binghe was in charge of bringing Little Mustard to play.This day was no exception. The mother and daughter made an appointment to go shopping in the mall together.

While walking, Xiao Mustard slowed down, took Bai Binghe's hand, turned her head and said softly: "Mom, do you feel that someone is following us these few days?"

"Little Mustard, are you too sensitive? Why is someone following us?" Bai Binghe took Little Mustard into a clothing store, picked up a princess dress, and compared it with Little Mustard, "Little Mustard, Look at this pink color, you look good in it! Little mustard, when I get her back, the three of us will go shopping together, so you should treat her well for your mother, okay?"

Xiao Mustard took Bai Binghe's hand and said: "Mom, my sister has suffered too much. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't need to wander outside without a trace. I will definitely love my sister for my mother." .”

Xiao Mustard hugged Bai Binghe's body and put her chin between Bai Binghe's hair. She suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at her side. When the figure saw her looking over, he hid behind the stone pillar.

"Mom, wait for me here for a while, I'll go to the bathroom first." Little mustard said with an excuse.

"Then be careful, I'm here to choose beautiful clothes for you and your sister." Bai Binghe said.

After Xiao Mustard left the clothing store, she walked towards the stone pillar. She deliberately walked aside to a hidden place.

Mother Yao, who was hiding behind the stone pillar, came out after a while, and when she went to the clothing store, she didn't see Little Mustard, she became anxious and looked around.

Just as she was walking towards the clothing store, someone blocked her way.

Yao's mother looked up, her eyes were full of shock!

Little Mustard was standing in front of Yao's mother, and the two looked at each other, Yao's mother's eyes were full of excitement, while Little Mustard's eyes were full of astonishment.

"Who the hell are you!" Little Mustard asked in a concentrated voice, "Are you following us these days?"

"My child... I am..." Mother Yao's voice choked up as she spoke, and she was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xiao Mustard: "It doesn't matter who you are or what purpose you have, but I hope you don't come here again Disturbing the life of me and my family! If you continue to follow us, be careful and I will sue you!"

Mother Yao swayed when she heard this, "What did you say?"

"Didn't you hear what I said clearly? I don't want you to keep following me and Mom. If you behave like this, if you are abroad, I can call the police and let the police arrest you." Xiao Mustard said to Yao's mother.

Mother Yao's eyes darkened, tears rolled in her eyes, and she stared blankly at Xiao Mustard.

And Xiao Mustard looked at Yao's mother's sad appearance, and his heart trembled suddenly. On her body, Xiao Mustard felt a sense of unfamiliarity and familiarity that could not be expressed in words.

Yao's mother lowered her head and moved away dejectedly.

Little Mustard stopped her, "Who are you and why are you following us? What are your plans?"

Yao's mother trembled slightly, she raised her hand to wipe her tears, shook her head and said, "When I accidentally saw you on the road, I thought you were like my friend. I lost contact with her more than [-] years ago. , when I see you, I can't help but think of her, that's why I follow you, I have nothing else to do, and I have no intention, just want to see you more."

(End of this chapter)

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