Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 422 Where's the Daughter

Chapter 422 Where's the Daughter

Yao's mother clutched her heart, and secretly slandered in her heart: Son, since you don't want to recognize your mother, I won't appear in front of your eyes and disturb your originally happy life.

After watching Little Mustard for so many days, she was also satisfied.

She knew that her daughter had a cute name called Little Wasabi. That was when she followed Bai Binghe and Little Wasabi into the sushi restaurant. She sat next to her and ordered sushi. Like Little Wasabi, she liked wasabi.

"Son, your parents must have been very kind to you, right?" Mother Yao couldn't help asking.

"Of course my parents are good to me. They are the best parents in the world." Little Mustard didn't understand why Yao's mother asked such a question, but out of politeness, she still answered Yao's mother's question.

"That's great." Yao's mother choked up and said, after finishing speaking, Yao's mother was about to leave.

"Wait!" Little Mustard suddenly called out.

Mother Yao suppressed the excitement in her heart, did Little Mustard feel something?
"Son, is there anything else?" Yao's mother turned around, staring at Xiao mustard and asked.

Yao's mother was struggling in her heart. How much she wanted to tell Xiao Mustard the truth, how much she wanted Xiao Mustard to call her Mom.

My daughter has lived a privileged life since she was a child, so she must not want to recognize her, and she doesn't want to know her existence.

"Auntie, I hurt you just now. I'm sorry. I apologize to you." Xiao Mustard stepped forward, looked at Yao's mother and said, "But I hope you can stop these behaviors. After all, I'm not your friend. If you meet again Your friend, you can go find her and contact her."

"Your behavior like this has seriously affected my life."

"I'm sorry, I will never do this again in the future, and I am sorry for causing trouble to your life." Mother Yao said with a trembling voice.

As Mother Yao said, she lowered her head and left. Every step she took felt unusually heavy. Her own daughter really disliked her.

"Little mustard." A gentle voice came from behind.

"Mom, why did you buy so many things?" Xiao Mustard stepped forward and took the shopping bag in Bai Binghe's hand, "Mom, what kind of clothes did you buy? Are you tired? Let's go down for a drink Bar."

"Little mustard, who were you talking to just now?" Bai Binghe asked.

"An irrelevant person, Mom, let's go get a drink, I'm a little thirsty." Xiao Mustard left with her shopping bag in her hand, holding Bai Binghe's hand.

And Mother Yao stood in the distance, listening to the conversation between the two behind her, feeling as if her heart was being pricked by a needle, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She stood in front of her daughter, who did not recognize her.

This is retribution.

Yao's mother turned around and looked at Xiao Mustard's disappearing figure, her heart ached even more. When will her daughter be able to hold her hand and go shopping together.

When Xiao Mustard and Bai Binghe entered the coffee shop downstairs, the manager on duty called out politely when he saw Xiao Mustard: "Miss Cen."

Little Mustard looked around, then pointed to himself and asked the staff, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, Miss Cen." The manager said it again.

"My surname is not Cen, but Duanmu." Xiao Mustard corrected with a smile.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I may have misread it." The manager quickly apologized and said softly, "It's so similar."

The manager served iced holly and mustard and had the waiter bring two cups of coffee.

Today the boss came to the store to check the business situation, and now he was still looking at the account book in the manager's office. The manager knocked on the door and walked in.

"Boss, a mother and daughter came outside. I saw that the little girl looked like you, so I took the liberty to call Miss Cen. The strange thing is that she said her surname is Duanmu." The manager said.

Cen Minghua raised his head from the ledger, looked at the manager, and said, "I, Cen Minghua, only have two sons. Where did I get my daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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