Chapter 424 Compassion
"So, Yao Yuxing is the Duanmu couple's biological daughter?" Cen Minghua asked with a light in his eyes.

Yao's mother was startled when she heard this, and suddenly stood up, staring at Cen Minghua, "Cen Minghua, don't try to get Yao Yuxing out of your way! Even if she is the Duanmu couple's biological daughter, don't even think about gaining anything from her." ! For more than 20 years, you have not come to see us, nor have you given us a penny."

Yao's mother probably also guessed that Cen Minghua wanted to use Yao Yuxing to negotiate with the Duanmu couple, because she lived in a big manor, so she had heard about the Duanmu couple's return to China this time and wanted to find a partner in China.

The Tang family, the Cen family, and the Shangguan family are all competitors.

"If I hadn't prevented you from having a child back then, would you still have a chance to have a daughter now?" Cen Minghua snorted coldly.

"Cen Minghua, you are not human!" Mother Yao cried bitterly, "I will never allow you to hurt Xiaoyu! With me around for a day, you don't want to use her!"

Mother Yao was terrified!

She is used to the methods of the Cen family, but if they deal with Yao Yuxing, she will never allow it!

She already owed Yao Yuxing too much, if Cen Minghua were to hurt Yao Yuxing, then she would owe Yao Yuxing all her life!
She is a good girl, she shouldn't be hurt so much and suffer unnecessary pain!
During these days, seeing her being bullied and humiliated by the Tang family and the Shangguan family, her heart was bleeding, but she couldn't do anything, and Yao Yuxing had to worry about her.

Before that, she personally went to Cen Minghua, hoping that he could make Grandma Tang stop hurting Yao Yuxing, but Cen Minghua kicked her out, not caring about her and Yao Yuxing's life or death!
Why would Cen Minghua want to benefit from Yao Yuxing now!

"It seems that I underestimated you too much. I didn't expect you to help me in a critical moment. If I can successfully win the project that Duan Muze is in charge of this time, I will not treat you badly." Cen Minghua sneered , "The Duanmu couple's investment in this project is in the hundreds of millions."

"Cen Minghua, if you want to get the project, rely on your own strength, don't try to use Xiaoyu! She has suffered enough! You can't stimulate her anymore!" Mother Yao stepped forward and tore with Cen Minghua, "Cen Minghua, I warn you You, don't even think about hurting the little fish!"

"If you let the Duanmu couple know that the daughter they are raising is a counterfeit, what do you think they will do? If they know that their biological daughter has been abused by you since she was a child, and you did not treat them well, what will they do?" Cen Minghua buckled Holding Yao's mother's hand, looking at her, he said coldly.

"You hurt her the most. I just want to tell the Duanmu couple that their biological daughter is doing well in our Cen family." Cen Minghua said with a sneer.

Mother Yao looked at Cen Minghua, "You devil! How could you treat Xiaoyu like this! She was obviously raised by me! Why do you want to claim credit! Have you ever paid anything for Xiaoyu!"

"Then what did you do to her? My surname is Yao, don't think that I haven't investigated your past affairs. Yao Yuxing has been with you since she was a child, and has been beaten and scolded by you a lot. If you let them know that you have abused me like this Their daughter, they will never let you go lightly!" Cen Minghua looked at Yao Yuxing when Yao's mother went to him to tell him about Yao Yuxing, and he didn't believe that she would be his daughter, so he sent someone to investigate Yao's mother's past.

But he didn't expect Yao's mother to be cruel enough to beat and scold Yao Yuxing. At that time, he thought that she resented Yao Yuxing's arrival and ruined her life.

But who would have thought that she would have no sympathy for other people's children at all.

(End of this chapter)

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