Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 425 I won't let you succeed!

Chapter 425 I won't let you succeed!
"Cen Minghua, I won't let you succeed!" After Yao's mother finished speaking, she stepped forward and grabbed Cen Minghua's clothes, "Even if I die, I will drag you to the bottom with me! You have no conscience! You lied to me back then!" Your body can be so calm, you are not even willing to save the child! Are you still thinking of using Xiaoyu! Impossible!"

After speaking, Mother Yao pulled Cen Minghua to the fence.

"My surname is Yao, you crazy woman! What are you going to do!" Cen Minghua looked down, and the building had a full twenty floors.If a person falls from here, he must have a brain attack and a bloody mess!
"Cen Minghua, I want to drag you to die together! To make up for the suffering I have suffered because of you all these years!" Yao's mother clung to Cen Minghua tightly, no matter how the other party pushed her, she was desperately clutching him.

Cen Minghua saw the opportunity, pushed Yao's mother away, and then took a step back.

Yao's mother was caught off guard, and her whole body hit the wall of the fence, and without any accident, her head touched something sharp, and immediately, the blood flowed continuously...

Slowly, Mother Yao fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Cen Minghua turned pale with fright. He took a step forward, looked at Yao's mother lying in a pool of blood, and kicked her, "Hey, are you dead?"

Suddenly, Mother Yao reached out and grabbed his trouser leg.

Cen Minghua trembled with fright!Quickly kicked Yao's mother's hands away, and then cursed in a low voice: "Bitch!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked away!
Mother Yao prostrated herself on the ground. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to call Yao Yuxing, telling her to pay attention to Cen Minghua, but Cen Minghua suddenly turned back and snatched the mobile phone from her hand!

"Give me back the phone!" Yao's mother endured the pain, trying to get up from the pool of blood, but she couldn't move, even struggled to crawl.

After Cen Minghua's figure disappeared, Yao's mother passed out too!
As for Xiao Mustard, who was drinking coffee in the coffee shop, she was sitting at the table, and saw a man passing by her, just glanced at each other, and she was stunned!
This man's appearance was somewhat similar to hers, especially the way he looked at her, although it was just a slight glance, it was mixed with other emotions.

She kept her eyes on the man, watching him get into an elevator, and then saw a familiar figure walk into the elevator.

And she saw that the two elevators stopped at the top elevator. Little mustard is not a detective, but ever since she saw the woman and the man, she felt uneasy and impatient.

Why is she being emotionally influenced by two strangers?Especially that woman's, the way that woman looked at her was very strange, even with a hint of maternal love that people couldn't grasp?

maternal love?

How could she feel this way in a strange woman?
Suddenly, the elevator came down. Although it was far away, she could vaguely see that the man in the elevator was very nervous and very scared.

"Mom, I met an aunt just now, she seems to be preoccupied, let's go and see what's wrong with her, shall we?" Xiao Mustard asked Bai Binghe for advice in a low voice.

"Have you met anyone? That person is very important to you?" Bai Binghe took a sip of coffee elegantly and asked softly.

"Mom, I don't know her either, but I'm a little worried about her." Xiao Mustard said while holding Bai Binghe's hand.

I don't know why, but her heart is very disturbed!

"Little Mustard, your heart is really kind." Bai Binghe said and called the waiter to pay the bill, and left with Little Mustard on her arm.

Xiao Mustard and Bai Binghe entered the elevator, watching Xiao Mustard press the number on the top floor, Bai Binghe asked suspiciously: "Are you sure she is on this floor?"

(End of this chapter)

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