Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 45 Mommy I'm Sorry You

Chapter 45 Mommy I'm Sorry You
"Miss Yao, you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the young master. If you leave, how much harm will you do to the young master?" The housekeeper comforted Yao Yuxing, hoping that she could calm down and think about the seriousness of the matter. .

Yao Yuxing was stunned for a moment, then thought of his son, he hurriedly broke away from the servant's support, and ran upstairs barefoot.

She opened her son's room and looked at her sleeping son. She stretched out her pale and cold hand to caress his little face.

Maybe it was the temperature of her palm that woke Nian Xuan up from the cold, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at Yao Yuxing in front of him with some trepidation. When he saw clearly that it was Mommy, he called softly: "Mummy, your hands are cold."

"Nian Xuan, Mommy is sorry for you." She watched her son suffer, her eyes were red, and her extremely hoarse voice revealed a trace of apology and helplessness!
Whose child is Nian Xuan, she knows better than anyone else. Looking at Nian Xuan, she always feels that she owes him everything in her life.If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't need to come to this world to suffer, and he would have to endure even greater pain and strange looks from others in the future.

She also hated the delicate relationship between herself and Tang Yichen. She had no feeling for him at first, even with a little fear, but because of the gradual getting along between the two of them, she began to slowly get along with him. Looking forward to the future between them, and even had feelings for him.

"Mummy, Daddy said he will protect us." Nian Xuan stretched out his small hand, stroking Yao Yuxing's cheek, and said softly.

He knew that Mommy had suffered a lot and was under a lot of pressure during this time. Although he didn't understand, he could feel Mommy's pain.

"Xuan'er, dear, don't call him daddy anymore, he's not your daddy." She frowned and corrected, she didn't want her to make mistakes again and again.

At the beginning, she should have listened to Bai Che's words and aborted the child, so she wouldn't be unable to let go of everything now.

Nian Xuan's identity is embarrassing.

When Bai Che found out that she was pregnant, she felt it was cruel to let her abort the child, and why should she listen to Bai Che's words and abort her child?
It was because of anger that she insisted on giving birth to the child no matter how difficult the road ahead would be.

And during the time when she was raising a baby, Tang Yichen's attitude towards her was even more indifferent. Although he respected her choice, he still couldn't let her go and defended Bai Che.

"Mommy, I'm not called Daddy, so what's my name?"

"He's not someone like you. After a while, Mommy will take you out of here." Yao Yuxing raised his hand, gently holding his son's soft, boneless little hand, and said in a choked voice.

"Mummy, are you crying?" Nian Xuan heard the choking sound in Yao Yuxing's voice, and asked with blinking eyes.

Yao Yuxing shook his head, twitched the corner of his mouth, and quickly said: "Mummy is just thinking about the future, I'm afraid that you will suffer with Mommy, I'm afraid I won't be able to give you a rich life."

Grandma Tang's words kept circling in her mind. According to Nian Xuan's embarrassing birth, if he followed her, he would suffer a lot in the future. I won't go into it.

What Grandma Tang meant was that although Nian Xuan was born with a deformity, he is the blood and blood of the Tang family after all, so he is considered a member of the Tang family. No matter what happens in the future, he will stay in the Tang family to accept confession and baptism.

She was worried that Grandma Tang's words would come true, even though Tang Yichen refused to believe that this was his son, she knew it.

Moreover, the relationship between her and Tang Yichen has come out, is there anything else that can be saved?

(End of this chapter)

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