Chapter 46 A Family of Three

Now she can't breathe when she sees Tang Yichen, let alone listen to his words and obediently stay by his side and continue to develop.

She is very normal psychologically, not pathological, and after learning about that relationship, she was able to laugh it off and continue walking.

He can do it, but she can't!

She just wants to escape.

"Mommy, I just want the three of us to be together." Although Nian Xuan was young, he was quite sensible.

And he also yearns to be with his parents, which is the deepest thought in his heart.

"Xuan'er, I told you that he is not your father!" Yao Yuxing said in a deep voice, seeing that Nian Xuanna and Tang Yichen had strikingly similar silhouettes.

Nian Xuan was so frightened by the sudden growl that he shrank back, stared blankly at Yao Yuxing for a moment, eyes full of grievances, and finally howled uncontrollably: "Mum, is it true that they say I am a little wild species?" Is it? I'm not Daddy's child anymore?"

Yao Yuxing closed his eyes heavily, hugged Nian Xuan in his arms, and said sadly: "Xuan'er, there are many things that Mommy can't explain clearly to you. When you grow up, you will know Mommy's pain." .”

The son is still young, why should she instill so much pain in him?
"Send me to see him, right now!" Yao Yuxing held a sharp knife between his neck and said, looking firmly at the housekeeper in front of him.

"Miss Yao, quickly put down the knife." The housekeeper urged with wide eyes.

"Send me to see him!" Yao Yuxing took a step back, ignoring the butler, her hand became stronger, and the sharp knife pierced her delicate neck.

With a trace of blood spilling out, the housekeeper was so frightened that he quickly surrendered: "Miss Yao, don't do anything to hurt yourself, I will take you to see the young master right now!"

The butler didn't take the young master's words to heart, and immediately went to pick up the car, and drove Yao Yuxing to the Tang Group Building himself.

Because if Yao Yuxing hurt himself because he couldn't go out, if the young master found out, all of them would be unable to eat and walk around!
The butler asked Yao Yuxing to deal with the wound, and even asked her to put down the knife.

On the other hand, Yao Yuxing was vigilant, holding the knife all the time, and she didn't care about the scar on her neck, she sat in the back seat, silent, no matter what the housekeeper said, she didn't listen to a word.

She worried that once she took off the knife, the butler would not take her to see Tang Yichen.

The butler has always been in charge of the affairs of the manor, and has never been to the group, so many people refused to let him in. He was very anxious, worried about Yao Yuxing's injury, and just when he didn't know what to do, Tang Yichen's The assistant just walked over.

"Butler Xu, why are you here?"

He asked the butler suspiciously.

Before the housekeeper could tell what happened, Yao Yuxing had already got off the car, and she walked up to the housekeeper.

The assistant's eyes also fell on Yao Yuxing's body. Seeing the bright red around her neck, she gasped and her face turned blue with fright.

"Miss Yao, what's wrong with you?" the assistant asked hurriedly.

"Don't come here! Take me to see Tang Yichen!" Yao Yuxing maintained a movement for a long time, her neck was a little sore, now that she finally arrived at Tang Yichen's work place, she wanted to see him no matter what.

"Miss Yao, the president just went out." The assistant didn't dare to lie.

And the president really went out and had lunch with the daughter of Shangguan's family.

(End of this chapter)

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