Chapter 457

Yao Yuxing had arranged everything and was about to go to the hospital when the hospital called her and said her mother was missing.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter? Why is your face so ugly?" Tang Yichen was preparing the car, saw Yao Yuxing's face turned pale after answering the phone, and asked quickly.

"Yichen..." Yao Yuxing reached out to grab Tang Yichen's hands, "Yichen, my mother is gone!"

"Don't worry! Let's go to the hospital right now! I'll call the hospital leader to check the situation first." Tang Yichen calmed Yao Yuxing, helped her into the car, fastened her seat belt, and drove to the hospital. direction to go.

On the way there, he called the leaders of the hospital to get a general idea of ​​the situation.

"Yichen, why didn't the hospital notify us when my mother woke up! Where can she go after waking up just now!" Yao Yuxing sat on pins and needles, no matter how much Tang Yichen tried to comfort her, she couldn't calm down.

Tang Yichen reached out to hold her hand, and when he touched her hand, he felt that her hand was very cold, he knew that it was Yao's mother's incident that made her become like this.

He hurriedly said: "Xiaoyu, it's okay, take a deep breath first to calm yourself down."

"Yichen, I can't calm down. I should have been with her in the hospital last night, so I won't lose my mother when I wake up in the morning!" Yao Yuxing said worriedly, shaking his head.

"Xiaoyu, Auntie will be fine, don't scare yourself." Tang Yichen held her hand and tightened it slightly.

"I hope so!" Yao Yuxing could only comfort himself in this way.

But Tang Yichen arrived at the hospital at the safest and fastest speed. When the hospital's medical staff saw Tang Yichen's arrival, they all panicked and apologized to Tang Yichen.

"Now is not the time to shirk responsibility and apologize. Immediately increase manpower to look for it, and show me the hospital's closed-circuit television." Tang Yichen said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Tang, our closed-circuit television has been under maintenance for the past few days." The doctor broke into a cold sweat.

"Su Tezhu, you go to the traffic bureau and call out the closed-circuit television in the city hospital area to see which direction Xiaoyu's mother is going, or who is taking her away." Tang Yichen called Su Tezhu, commanded.

Tang Yichen took Yao Yuxing into his arms and gave her support.

At this time, Bai Binghe also rushed to the hospital. As soon as she saw Yao Yuxing, she stepped forward and took Yao Yuxing's hand, and asked, "Xiaoyu, I heard the news that your mother disappeared when she woke up. Come here, see if there is anything I can do to help you?"

"Aunt Bai, thank you." Yao Yuxing stared at Bai Binghe steadfastly, the tension and concern in Bai Binghe's eyes moved Yao Yuxing's face, his heart was warm, he couldn't restrain himself, and quickly hugged Bai Binghe , her lips moved slightly, "Mom..."

"Xiao, Xiaoyu...what do you call me?" Bai Binghe heard Yao Yuxing whispering the address in her ear, her body froze with excitement, and asked excitedly.

" mother...I'm so worried about her..." Yao Yuxing was taken aback for a moment, then hugged Bai Binghe and said, "Aunt Bai, do you think my mother will be okay? I don't want her There is something."

"Xiao Yu, it's okay." Bai Binghe's eyes darkened, unable to conceal her sadness, and after sighing secretly in her heart, she comforted Yao Yuxing and said, "With a daughter as filial as you, she will be safe and sound. Yes."

Yao Yuxing hugged Bai Binghe tightly, feeling out of control like never before.

Tang Yichen watched from the side, feeling pain in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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