Chapter 458 Nothing Will Happen
Seeing Yao Yuxing's vague feelings for Bai Binghe, he shook his head slightly and sighed, stepped forward and raised his big hand, gently pressing her trembling shoulders, and comforted, "Xiao Yu, don't cry, you're crying too much!" What can I do with my body?"

"Yes, Xiaoyu, don't cry, let's find a way together." Bai Binghe raised her hand to brush the hair in front of Yao Yuxing's face, and said softly, "Nothing will happen to a living person. Maybe she's home?"

Yao Yuxing was stunned, then looked at Tang Yichen, frowned slightly, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Yichen, tell me, is my mother going to look for Cen Minghua?"

Tang Yichen forgot about this, and after hearing Yao Yuxing's words, he quickly called Cen Minghua.

Seeing that it was Tang Yichen's call, Cen Minghua answered, "Yichen, why did you call me so early?"

"Cen Minghua, is Aunt Yao with you now?" Tang Yichen asked coldly.

"Yichen, what do you mean? Isn't she in the hospital? How could she be here!" Cen Minghua woke up from the dream, "You mean, she's gone? What about Yao Yuxing, where is she now?"

All Cen Minghua cares about is Yao Yuxing, because Yao Yuxing can bring him good luck.

"Whose phone is it? It's so noisy before dawn!" Zhao Xuehua asked unhappily when he heard Cen Minghua talking on the phone while sleeping beside him.

"Xuehua, get up quickly, that woman is gone!" Cen Minghua hurriedly got out of bed and dressed.

"Why are you so nervous about that woman! Do you want to cut ties with her!" Zhao Xuehua became angry when he saw her husband so nervous about his lover.

"Xuehua, what nonsense are you talking about! If we find her before the others, then Yao Yuxing will willingly return to Cen's house, and Duanmuze will definitely consider cooperating with us because of our feelings for Yao Yuxing " Cen Minghua, full of bad water, urged, "Hurry up! We will set off to find that woman in 3 minutes."

"Oh!" After hearing Cen Minghua's analysis, Zhao Xuehua thought it made sense, got out of bed quickly, finished dressing and washing as quickly as possible, and followed Cen Minghua into the car.

"Where are we going to find her? We don't know anything about her, even Yao Yuxing can't find her, where are we going to find her?" Zhao Xuehua asked while sitting in the passenger car, looking sideways at Cen Minghua.

"It depends on the situation." Cen Minghua drove to the hospital.

As soon as he saw Yao Yuxing, he said, "Xiaoyu, isn't your mother in the hospital? Why didn't she disappear?"

When Yao Yuxing saw Cen Minghua, she immediately became angry. She pushed Cen Minghua and said angrily, "What are you doing here! Go away!"

"Xiaoyu, don't be so excited, I'm your father! I'm here to see if I can help you." Cen Minghua came here early in the morning, and when he saw Yao Yuxing ordering him to evict, he was in a good mood. Even if you are upset, but because of your own interests, you dare not get angry.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was Duanmuze's daughter, he wouldn't be so good-tempered wasting time with her here.

"You're not my father! Go away! My mother doesn't even know me!" Yao Yuxing growled at Cen Minghua, "It's because of you that my mother left without saying goodbye! What did you do to my mother? I don't know!"

Cen Minghua's face turned pale.

"Xiaoyu, why did you talk to your father? He is your father, and you are so disrespectful." Seeing that Cen Minghua was speechless, Zhao Xuehua quickly spoke for Cen Minghua.

"You are so hypocritical, you don't know what kind of wishful thinking you have in your stomach! If you really want us to go back to Cen's house, where have you been all these years ago!" Yao Yuxing stared at Cen Minghua and Zhao Xuehua with cold eyes. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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