Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 459 Someone jumped off the building

Chapter 459 Someone jumped off the building
Zhao Xuehua's complexion is also not good, but as Cen Minghua's wife, for his future, she is willing to be this blush.

"Xiaoyu, it's not your father's fault. It's all Aunt Hua's fault. Before Minghua knew you were his daughter, he told me that he wanted to pick you up. I was the one who opposed him. You You know, no woman can tolerate other women giving birth to her husband, I am an ordinary woman, after knowing this, of course I am unwilling and will not agree!" Zhao Xuehua sighed softly, Slowly said, "It's all Aunt Hua's fault for making you suffer so many years outside, now Aunt Hua knows she was wrong, I hope you can accept my apology, go back to your father, and let him take care of you .”

Yao Yuxing lowered his head and did not respond.

If it wasn't for knowing the truth, she would really believe what they said.

However, Tang Yichen told her that Cen Minghua just wanted to use her to get the project Duan Muze was in charge of.

"You go away, no matter what you say, I can't admit my relationship with the Cen family, because I am not from your Cen family at all, I just want to live in peace and health with my mother in this life, you Cen Home, I really can't afford it." Yao Yuxing leaned on Tang Yichen's chest, slowly closed his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Little fish..." Cen Minghua stepped forward, looked at Yao Yuxing and called out.

"Mr. Cen, go back and don't bother me anymore. I have nothing to do with you. You treat me well, but you can't expect any benefit." Yao Yuxing is now full of thoughts, just want to find his mother quickly .

She wanted to ask her mother why she left the hospital without saying a word.

"Yichen, please take me to my mother, please." Yao Yuxing looked up at Tang Yichen and said.

Such Yao Yuxing made Tang Yichen feel distressed, he nodded, "I'll take you there now."

Instead of waiting here, it's better to go out and find clues.

"Aunt Bai, do you want to come with us?" Tang Yichen left with Yao Yuxing in his arms, and suddenly thought of something, he stopped and asked Bai Binghe who was stunned aside.

"Well, okay." Bai Binghe couldn't wait for it.

She doesn't want to miss anyone who can be alone with Yao Yuxing.

What's more, now that Yao Yuxing is at a low point, she needs someone to give her support and strength.

Normally, Tang Yichen would let Yao Yuxing sit in the passenger car, but he arranged for Yao Yuxing to sit in the back seat with Bai Binghe.

Tang Yichen didn't know where he was going to drive the car, but he just looked out the window while driving.

When Tang Yichen drove the car to a shopping mall building, many people gathered downstairs, even a few police cars came and cordoned off.

"Yichen, stop the car, there are a lot of people there, I want to go down and have a look." Yao Yuxing's eyelids kept twitching.When she saw the situation ahead, she quickly stopped Tang Yichen.

"Xiao Yu, there are too many people here, don't go down." Tang Yichen was also worried about letting Yao Yuxing get off the car.

"Yichen, you stop the car, I want to get off." Yao Yuxing didn't know why he insisted on getting out of the car so much.

Tang Yichen had no choice but to park the car. Yao Yuxing got off the car and walked to the place with the most traffic.

"Did something happen?" Yao Yuxing asked while grabbing someone.

"There is a woman in a hospital gown, standing upstairs, as if she is about to jump off the building."

What!A woman in a hospital gown is going to jump off a building?

Yao Yuxing raised his head and looked at the top floor, and sure enough there was a person standing on the top of the building.

It was too far away, although she couldn't see who it was, but according to her body shape, Yao Yuxing recognized Yao's mother!
She reached out her hand excitedly to grab Tang Yichen, "Tang Yichen! That's my mother! My mother!"

Then Yao Yuxing rushed into the cordon regardless of the police's obstruction.

"Miss, you can't go in here!" The police stopped Yao Yuxing.

(End of this chapter)

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