Chapter 462
After taking Yao's mother back to the hospital, Yao Yuxing was busy taking care of Yao's mother, asking Yao's mother what she needed and what she wanted to eat.

Yao's mother looked at Yao Yuxing's busy body, and felt warm in her heart.

"Yichen, you guys go out first, I have something to say to Xiaoyu alone." Mother Yao said to Tang Yichen.

Tang Yichen asked the doctors and nurses to leave, and he and Bai Binghe also withdrew.

Yao Yuxing pulled a chair, sat down in front of the bed, looked at Yao's mother and said, "Mom, do you have anything to say to me?"

Yao's mother paused for a long time before she said, "Xiaoyu, there is one thing that my mother has always lied to you."

Yao Yuxing's heart tightened, he held his breath and looked at Yao's mother.

"Xiaoyu, I'm not your mother... When you were born two days ago, because I couldn't save my daughter, I switched you with my daughter. I did that at the time, but I didn't expect It caused you such deep harm!" Mother Yao lowered her head and dared not look into Yao Yuxing's eyes.

She was afraid of facing Yao Yuxing, and she had no face to face Yao Yuxing.

"Mom, I know, Yichen told me the truth, whether I was born by you or not, you will always be my mother." Yao Yuxing took a deep breath, stood up slightly, hugged Yao's mother, and said softly Said: "Mom, if you don't dislike me, I will always take care of you, because you are my good mother."

"Xiaoyu!" Yao's mother shed tears of remorse, "Xiaoyu, you should go back to your biological parents and reunite with them. You deserve happiness. I killed you."

Yao Yuxing hugged Yao's mother tightly, "Mom, don't let me leave you, don't drive me away, okay, they have their own lives, I know they are looking for me, they have me in their hearts, I am already satisfied, I and the young Xuan wants to be with you."

"Xiaoyu, you don't have the heart to hurt me, but do you have the heart to hurt your biological parents?" Mother Yao's face was full of guilt.

Yao Yuxing looked at Yao's mother, "Mom, if you want to meet Xiao Mustard, I won't stop it. Aunt Bai treats me very well, and I like her very much, but Uncle Duanmu doesn't like me."

When she spoke, she lowered her head, feeling a little depressed.

Yao's mother stretched out her hand, pressed Yao Yuxing's shoulder, and said softly: "Xiaoyu, you deserve happiness. There is no need to suffer with me. I can't give you glory, wealth, or a stable life. Mom only wants you to be The princess of the Duanmu family has become the woman that Yichen cares about."

"Mom, I can't do this. I can see Uncle Duanmu and Auntie Bai's feelings for Xiao Mustard. If you let Xiao Mustard come back to you, I'm afraid she won't be used to our life." Yao Yuxing raised his hand and held Yao's mother. Looking at her, he asked, "Mom, do you not want me anymore?"

She has lived with Yao's mother for more than 20 years, and she doesn't want to leave Yao's mother. She is used to having Yao's mother by her side, and she is used to taking care of Yao's mother.

If she was allowed to recognize her biological parents, she would feel very embarrassed. Although they gave her what she had, they were the most familiar strangers in the world.

She also didn't know how she should face Duanmuze, she has never forgotten his indifferent eyes.

"Little fish, if Little Mustard cares about my background, then I will treat you as if I don't have this daughter. Mom will treat you even better in the future and make up for all the debts I owe you."

"Mom, I can't repay you for your kindness in nurturing me. I can only be filial to you and take care of you, so that you can be safe and healthy." Yao Yuxing lay in Yao's mother's arms. Yao's mother acted like a baby in her arms.

After a pause, she remembered something and asked, "Mom, how did you get hurt? Did something happen at that time?"

(End of this chapter)

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