Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 463 You Are Really My Daughter

Chapter 463 You Are Really My Daughter
When Yao's mother heard this, her body froze, her eyes filled with panic.

"Xiaoyu, it's Cen Minghua, it's him! He knows your background, so he wants to use your relationship with Duan Muze to discuss the project. I know that I have done too many things that I am sorry to you, and it is impossible for him to I came to hurt you, so I pulled him up, and was finally pushed down by him and hit the wall. I don’t think I can forget his eyes that want me to die.”

"So it's really him!" Yao Yuxing gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "I must let him be punished!"

When Yao's mother heard the words, she quickly stretched out her hand to grab Yao Yuxing, shook her head and said, "Xiao Yu, don't! After all, he is the man I once loved, and he is also Xiao Mustard's biological father."

"Mom, he almost killed you, do you still want to protect him? His behavior is a deliberate murder and should be sentenced!" Yao Yuxing looked at Yao's mother suspiciously, "Mom, I know you I can't let him go, but he is so bad, he never loved you at all, why do you still think about his safety?"

"Have you forgotten how he forced you away before, and even forced you to abort the fetus? Mom, I don't want you to suffer anymore. For a man like Cen Minghua, if he hurts you once, he will The second time, it's been so long, haven't you seen his true face clearly?"

Yao's mother wept and said with a choked voice: "I know all of this, but I don't want Xiao Mustard to have a criminal father. Even if they won't live in this place in the future, I don't want such a situation to happen."

"Okay, I promise you not to call the police." She is also a mother, so she understands the feelings of being a parent. Which child doesn't want his father to be a hero?

"Xiaoyu, can you do me a favor? Before I fell into a coma, Mrs. Duanmu and Xiao Mustard saved me. I want to take this opportunity to thank them and meet Little Mustard." Mother Yao begged.

"The doctor said that you just woke up and ran out before your condition stabilized. Now you need to rest more. When you recover almost, I'll let Xiao Mustard come to see you, okay?" Yao Yuxing helped Yao's mother to lie down, "Mom, you should rest first, I'll watch outside, call me if something happens."

After Yao Yuxing settled Yao's mother, when she turned to go out, she saw the door was opened with a small crack. She saw Bai Binghe standing outside the door with tears on her face, looking at her quietly.

Yao Yuxing saw it, and was startled at first, judging from Bai Binghe's current situation, did she seem to have heard the conversation between her and Yao's mother?
After Bai Binghe regained her composure, she turned and left without saying anything, covering her mouth.

Seeing this, Yao Yuxing hurriedly chased him out.

"Aunt Bai!" Yao Yuxing chased after Bai Binghe, looked at Bai Binghe's lonely figure, and called softly.

When Bai Binghe heard Yao Yuxing calling her, her steps froze, she stood on the spot, turned her head slowly, and looked at Yao Yuxing.

Yao Yuxing sighed secretly, stepped forward, looked at Bai Binghe and said, "Aunt Bai, did you hear the conversation between me and my mother?"

"Xiaoyu, you are really my daughter, but I never thought that you would not want to recognize us." Bai Binghe's voice became hoarse, she looked at Yao Yuxing with disappointment in her eyes.

Her dream came true, and Yao Yuxing really became her daughter.

But Yao Yuxing didn't seem to want to recognize them.

As Bai Binghe spoke, he took a step forward towards Yao Yuxing. Yao Yuxing subconsciously took a step back, looked at Bai Binghe and said, "Aunt Bai, I will be filial to you in the future, but I cannot leave my mother."

Yao Yuxing felt depressed when he said this.

After all, Bai Binghe treated her very well, but now she is saying such hurtful words to hurt Bai Binghe, not to mention that Bai Binghe has never given up looking for her daughter's whereabouts in the past 20 years.

Now that she has found her, but her daughter doesn't recognize her... Such a big blow must have completely hurt Bai Binghe.

(End of this chapter)

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