Chapter 487 Are You Crazy?
"Jin Huan, last time you said that Yao Yuxing was Duan Muze's daughter? What's going on?" Shangguan Ming called Shangguan Jin Huan to the office.

"Father, I also feel baffled. When they came back from the hospital, they said that Yao Yuxing is Duanmuze's daughter, and she has nothing to do with the Cen family." Shangguan Jinhuan frowned, and said displeasedly: "Before I You shouldn't be so lenient and announce the fact of incest between them to the media, if that's the case, I won't be sitting here thinking of anything!"

Such a good opportunity, but no matter how slow her father was, she lost to Yao Yuxing.

Shangguan Ming pondered for a while, then said, "Then send an anonymous message to the newspaper and let them report this exclusive news! I think many people want to report this explosive news, whether it is true or not."

"But there is no evidence. The newspaper will definitely not buy it. You must know that the report is from the Tang family. Who dares to mess around?" Shangguan Jinhuan snorted coldly, "Father, are you so fascinated by Su Qingqing that you don't think clearly about everything?" Just do it?"

"Here, if this matter is not done beautifully, there will not be so many opportunities." Shangguan Ming took out a document from the drawer and handed it to Shangguan Jinhuan, "I will let the newspaper office people followed up."

Shangguan Jinhuan opened the file and looked at the information inside. Shangguan Jinhuan exclaimed: "Dad, where did you get so many documents? And you even have the paternity test between Yao Yuxing and Cen Minghua, and Yao's mother handwritten proof!"

Shangguan Ming was smoking a thick cigar, "It was given by Cen Minghua."

"Given it by Cen Minghua?" Shangguan Jinhuan paused and asked puzzledly, "Why did he give you this?"

"Cooperation, he wants to cooperate with our Shangguan family to win the big project that Duanmuze is in charge of together." Shangguan Ming took a puff of cigarette.

Shangguan Jinhuan put all the documents back, "Father, are you doing this to deal with the Tang family?"

"Jin Huan, there is no reason for this. Who would want to win this big project? Now only the Tang family, the Shangguan family and the Cen family are left to compete, and it is impossible for Tang Yichen to win a win-win situation with either party, and we The overall strength of the two companies is not as good as that of the Tang family, but if we cooperate with the Cen family, our strength will not be inferior to that of the Tang family, and we are also confident in winning this project." Shangguan Ming said with confidence.

The thought of opening up a new market made him feel happy just thinking about it.

And Shangguan Jinhuan was also thinking about his wishes.

If she could help Tang Yichen in his career, would he also look at her differently?
"Father, then I'll contact the newspaper first." Shangguan Jinhuan got up and left with the document in hand.

"Jin Huan, no matter what the outcome of this matter, as long as it is released and it impacts the reputation of the Tang Corporation, it will help us to some extent." Shangguan Ming called Shangguan Jinhuan to stop him, and after explaining this, he said to Looking at Shangguan Jinhuan, he said, "Contact your disappointing younger brother when you have time, and tell him that if he still wants the inheritance of Shangguan's family, he will come back to me immediately!"

Shangguan Jinhuan paused, turned around, and looked at Shangguanming slowly, "Father, what do you mean, Shangguan Jinxuan is not the only heir? Could it be that the child in Su Qingqing's stomach is?"

"Jin Huan, you are my daughter, you don't need to interfere with these family affairs! What's more, I plan to marry Su Qingqing into our Shangguan family after she gives birth to a child." Shangguan Ming said, "From now on, you will call her Xiaoma One bite at a time, Su Qingqing, she will be your little mother sooner or later."

"I don't have a little mother who is a few years younger than me!" Shangguan Jinhuan sneered, "Father, Su Qingqing's age is not too much to be your daughter! You actually asked her to give birth to you and marry Her? Are you crazy!"

(End of this chapter)

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