Chapter 488
"Father, Su Qingqing is so young, do you really think she is willing to follow you? You will be fooled by her!" Shangguan Jinhuan remembered Su Qingqing's attitude towards her, and she was no longer as humble as before. , On the contrary, it has more confidence.

She thought that woman Su Qingqing did not take her seriously because of her father's doting on her.

"This is a matter between me and Su Qingqing. Just do your part. I hope you will live in harmony in the future. After a while, I will let her return to Shangguan's house to raise a baby. I don't worry about her being alone. .” Shangguan Ming said.

"Father, you are not discussing with us at all, but beheading first and playing later! Jinxuan is your son! And Jinxuan is also the only heir of the Shangguan family. This is an unchangeable fact! Su Qingqing's child is considered a What!" Shangguan Jinhuan tightly squeezed the document bag in his hand, his eyes were cold.

And Shangguan Ming's decision was simply an order, not a discussion.

Father's attitude is very firm, he must marry Su Qingqing!
"Jin Huan, I'm dad. I don't have to report to you siblings what I make. If anything happens to Su Qingqing, I'm the only one who asks!" Shangguan Ming stubbed out his cigarette butt, and turned to Shangguan Jinhuan He waved his hand and said, "Go out, I still have some documents to deal with."

Shangguan Jinhuan gritted her teeth, squeezed the folder and left angrily.

Father has protected Su Qingqing to such an extent!It seems that if she doesn't let Shangguan Jinxuan come back, the Shangguan family's property will be emptied by Su Qingqing sooner or later!

Shangguan Jinhuan backed up all the data, and then sent an email to a well-known newspaper.

The computer of the editor-in-chief of a well-known newspaper showed that the email had arrived, and he clicked on it to see that it was explosive news, but the information was incomplete.

After a while, the secretary delivered a package and handed it to the editor-in-chief for signature.

When the editor-in-chief opened it, it had been a long time since there had been such explosive news!
"Who sent this from?" asked the editor-in-chief.

"A courier guy brought it." The secretary took the signed slip and took it back to the courier.

"By the way, call me the person in charge of the printing department to come to the office." After the editor-in-chief has collected the materials, he must carefully consider how to explode this shocking news!
The next day, as soon as the news paper came out, the whole city exploded!

And the turnover of this newspaper has increased by 20.00%!
"Mr. Tang, this matter has affected Tang's shares, which have fallen by 5.00% now." Su Te helped analyze the stock market situation.

"Assistant Su, go and close this newspaper, and ask their person in charge to hold a press conference to apologize publicly." Tang Yichen's face was gloomy, and a strong chill was permeating his handsome face!
This undoubtedly brought great harm to Tang Corporation and even Yao Yuxing!
"Yes, Mr. Tang." Su Te quickly went to work.

"Tell the servants at home not to let Xiaoyu touch the newspapers and the Internet, lest these bad things affect her mood." Tang Yichen ordered.

"Yes." Assistant Su Te looked at Tang Yichen's cold expression, and felt a chill down his spine.

After Assistant Su Te left, Tang Yichen was holding the pen in his hand, almost breaking it, and there was a murderous look in his eyes!
He will definitely find out the mastermind behind the scenes and let him try to end!
It's not enough to let the servants do their best. He worried that after the news got out, Duanmu's family would tell Yao Yuxing.

"Aunt Bai, I have something to discuss with you. Regarding this news, I don't want to affect Xiaoyu's mood." Tang Yichen called Bai Binghe's cell phone.

"Yichen, what's going on here? Isn't the misunderstanding resolved? Why are these news still appearing? Even if it's not true, it will have unnecessary impact on many things and many people." Bai Binghe also said While reading newspapers and playing on the internet, he was about to go to the manor to find out, when Tang Yichen called.

(End of this chapter)

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