Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 495 Exposing What You Did

Chapter 495 Exposing What You Did

"Cen Minghua, you asked me to write the autograph certificate, why is it Xiaoyu! Isn't it Little Mustard! I shouldn't trust you, a despicable villain!" Mother Yao tore up the newspaper, smashed it into a ball and threw it at Cen Minghua.

Yao's mother thought that Cen Minghua would really recognize their mother and daughter, but she trusted this man too much!With Zhao Xuehua apologizing and lobbying, she believed the couple.

Cen Minghua sneered, "If you want to blame it, blame a woman like you for being stupid!"

"Why are you doing this to Xiaoyu! She never hurt you!" Yao's mother was full of anger, "I've agreed to prove it to you, and you won't target Xiaoyu anymore. What's going on with the news now!"

These news will definitely hit and hurt Yao Yuxing in the future.

"I'm going to deal with the Tang family, not Yao Yuxing. I want to make the Tang family pay the price! If my aunt hadn't stopped us from separating, I don't think we would have separated." Cen Minghua sat down beside her bed and held her hands together. Holding her hand, he said, "You're stupid and I'm stupid too! Over the years, I've had enough of Zhao Xuehua's autocratic, domineering and unreasonable troubles, and I think about your gentleness all the time..."

Yao's mother threw Cen Minghua's hand away without looking at his face, "Do you think I'm really stupid enough to believe you! If it wasn't for me, I wouldn't have to experience the pain and misery in the world! More Will not lose my daughter and Little Mustard."

Now even Xiaoyu doesn't come to see her, her heart hurts like a needle prick!

In her entire life, the person she was most sorry for was Yao Yuxing.Yao Yuxing treats her as a mother, but she never sees Yao Yuxing's goodness, and even hurts Yao Yuxing repeatedly.

She deserves death!
"When we defeat the Tang family and win the project that Duanmuze is in charge of, I will let them both return to your side." Cen Minghua assured Yao's mother.

"Your words are not credible at all!" Mother Yao shook her head and said, "I shouldn't have believed you from the moment you pushed me down!"

But in the end she believed him because of his begging and Zhao Xuehua's words.

"If I really wanted you to die, how could I risk my life to give you a blood transfusion?" Cen Minghua looked at Yao's mother and said.

"Cen Minghua, you deliberately murdered yourself, why do you say that you are a savior!" Yao's mother picked up the water glass on the side, threw herself in his face, and cursed, "I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen someone like you. This kind of shameless! Do you really think that you are so despicable that you can win Duanmuze's project? Don't be delusional! These news can't hit the Tang family at all! If you let that old Mrs. Tang know that you are doing this, you will definitely won't get around you."

Cen Minghua raised his hand, wiped off the drops of water on his face, gritted his teeth, and stood up, "I gave you enough face, but you treated me like this? I don't know your hard work. When I have the ability, I will put You take it back."

"Go away! I don't want to see you!" Mother Yao pointed at the door and growled at Cen Minghua, "Don't appear in front of me again! If it wasn't for me, I would expose what you did."

Cen Minghua had no choice but to leave. If he continued to stay, if she went crazy, he didn't know how this woman would deal with him.

After Cen Minghua left, Yao's mother called Yao Yuxing, but Yao Yuxing didn't answer the phone.

When she was about to give up, the other party picked it up but didn't speak, so she sighed and said, "Xiaoyu, I know I'm sorry for you. I've always hurt you. I'm sorry. Cen Minghua did what happened in the news this time." , he told me that as long as I wrote the certificate, he would not threaten you to hurt you again, but I never thought that he would be so despicable and shameless."

(End of this chapter)

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