Chapter 496 Did I Find You

"Xiaoyu, I don't ask for your forgiveness, but I hope you can tell your parents not to hand over the project to Cen Minghua. He and Shangguan's family teamed up to deal with Tang Yichen...Xiaoyu, I'm sorry, I always hurt you ..."

Before Mother Yao could finish speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

And Mrs. Tang, who was holding Yao Yuxing's mobile phone, gritted her teeth and cursed in a low voice, this Cen Minghua dared to take advantage of the Tang family!
"Mrs. Tang, why is my mobile phone in your hand?" Yao Yuxing went upstairs and saw Mrs. Tang in Tang Yichen's room, still holding her mobile phone.

Mrs. Tang glanced at Yao Yuxing, put down the phone, but said nothing.

"Yao Yuxing, you dare to do tricks behind my back! What benefits did you give Du Lingheng to do things for you? You and Cen Minghua's paternity test, what benefits do you want from the Cen family?" Mrs. Tang walked up Yao Yuxing looked at her and asked coldly.

"Old Madam Tang, I'm sorry, please don't embarrass Dr. Du, I told him to do this." Yao Yuxing was taken aback when he heard this, and said hastily.

She didn't want to involve Du Lingheng, not to mention that the paternity test was not done by Du Lingheng, but by Yao's mother. She didn't know what method Yao's mother used, but she didn't want Yao's mother to suffer again.

"What kind of ecstasy did you give men? As for them doing things for you like this! Do you know that your behavior has seriously affected the reputation of our Tang family! Since you are not Cen Minghua's daughter, why do you want us Tang Are you worried about the relationship between you and Yichen?" Mrs. Tang's face was indifferent, "I am not an unreasonable person, if you really tell the truth clearly, I will be so unreasonable and hinder you in every possible way. together!"

Yao Yuxing was nervous at first, but he didn't expect Mrs. Tang to say that.

She stared blankly at Mrs. Tang, and when she was thinking about how to answer, Mrs. Tang continued, "I will let Yichen investigate these matters, and if it is really not your fault, I will forgive you. But if you let me know that it was you who did it, I will definitely not let you off so easily!"

Mrs. Tang made concessions, the first reason was because she answered a phone call just now, and the second reason was to give Bai Binghe a face.

She didn't want to hurt Bai Binghe.

Now that she can be sure that Yao Yuxing is not Cen Minghua's daughter, she feels much more at ease. These rumors will be dispelled sooner or later.

Seeing Mrs. Tang leaving, Yao Yuxing picked up the phone and made a call to Tang Yichen.

"Yichen, are you busy now?" Yao Yuxing asked softly.

"I'm busy, what's the matter? Didn't anything happen at home?" Tang Yichen asked tentatively, trying his best to make his voice sound the same as usual.

"There's nothing to do at home. If you're busy, go ahead." Yao Yuxing said softly.

"Xiao Yu, did something happen?" Tang Yichen knew that she would not call him casually, and when he called at this time, he was worried that something would happen to her.

Yao Yuxing shook his head lightly, and said softly, "No, I just want to hear your voice."

Hearing his voice, she was also relieved a lot.

"Xiaoyu, is Aunt Bai with you now?" Tang Yichen asked.

"Well, she and Xiao Mustard are downstairs." Yao Yuxing nodded in response, "Yichen, go ahead, I don't want to disturb you."

"Xiaoyu..." Tang Yichen sighed softly, and then said, "Did you read those news?"

When Yao Yuxing wanted to reply, he noticed Tang Yichen's conversation, which seemed to be a conversation with Su Tezhu.

After a while, Tang Yichen came in with a deep and piercing voice: "Xiaoyu, grandma went to the big manor? Did they make things difficult for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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