Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 498 Don't Disturb Our Lives Less

Chapter 498 Don't Disturb Our Lives Less
Once Mrs. Tang put down the phone, she looked at Yao Yuxing coldly, "Did you tell Yichen that we are here?"

There was a hint of depression and displeasure in his tone.

Yao Yuxing paused, and when he was about to explain, Bai Binghe said first, "Before I came, it was Yichen who asked me to accompany Xiaoyu to keep her from knowing about the news. It's good for you, as soon as something happens, you will feel It was my little fish!"

"Xiao Bing, don't be so excited, I'm just asking her." Mrs. Tang saw that Bai Binghe's family didn't look like the good children who respected her in the past, so she couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

"Your tone is already questioning. I hope you don't have any prejudice against Xiaoyu. The matter between the two of them can't be slapped together. What's more, Xiaoyu is not greedy for his money. Why are you doing this?" The child hurt the little fish?" Bai Binghe said angrily.

"Stop talking, I'm also responsible for this matter," Yao Yuxing pulled Bai Binghe's hand, then said after a pause, "I know you're doing it for my own good."

"Knowing that I am responsible, what are you doing here so shamelessly? Do you really want Yichen to marry you?" Mrs. Tang said sourly.

"Of course you are afraid that your son will give all his love to my daughter." Bai Binghe snorted coldly.

When two rivals in love meet, of course they will not give in to each other, and they will confront each other.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Madam Tang stopped her in a low voice.

Mrs. Tang and Bai Binghe didn't dare to make a sound, they both snorted coldly.

At this time, Tang Yichen also rushed back.

As soon as Tang Yichen came in, after calling grandma and mom, he walked up to Yao Yuxing, sat down beside him, and asked nervously, "Xiaoyu, is there anything wrong with you?"

Too many people watched, Yao Yuxing didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

"Yichen, did this woman tell you something, so you rushed back?" Mrs. Tang pointed to Yao Yuxing and said, "Mom told you, I will not agree to you being together!"

Tang Yichen looked at Mother Tang, and frowned, "Mom, it's not that I'm targeting you, but that I've really had enough of you."

Mrs. Tang looked at Tang Yichen, "Yichen, do you really think we want to take care of your mess! If we weren't worried that you would be deceived by this woman, we wouldn't do it. This woman is really a disaster. She has already harmed Ziyao, is she still thinking of harming you!"

"I am very clear about what you are thinking. No matter whether you accept it or not, I will insist on being with Xiaoyu, and the woman I want to marry is also her." Tang Yichen looked at Mrs. Tang firmly, not as if he was Instead of discussing, they are announcing, even orderly, informing everyone.

"Xiaoyu is Aunt Bai's daughter from a wealthy family. The most important thing is that I want to take care of her and the child for the rest of my life." Tang Yichen said calmly with his arms around Yao Yuxing's slender waist.

"Nianxuan is a little bastard! Would you rather wear this green hat?" Mrs. Tang felt a pain in her heart, seeing her son confronting his family for Yao Yuxing made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Mom! I don't want to hear these words again! Nian Xuan is my own son! You're insulting me by talking about him like this." Tang Yichen Junyan cooled down, narrowed his eyes coldly, and spoke coldly .

"Son?" Mrs. Tang snorted coldly, and said disapprovingly: "Yichen, I really didn't expect that you would sacrifice so much for Yao Yuxing! If I say I don't agree with your relationship, I just don't agree! She If you want to marry into our Tang family, unless I die!"

"It's a simple thing, why do you have to make it so complicated?" Tang Yichen said in a deep voice, "If you have nothing to do, stop coming here to disturb my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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