Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 499 Never Wanted to Snatch You

Chapter 499 Never Wanted to Snatch You
"I care about your affairs? Yichen, if it wasn't for her, Ziyao wouldn't be like this! One Bai Che, one Du Lingheng, one Ye Kaiwen, one Shangguan Jinxuan, there is no shortage of suitors by her side, At first glance, she is a troublesome beauty, why are you so obsessed with it!" Mrs. Tang's tone was full of sarcasm, "Yichen, such a flirtatious woman is nothing more than that, what is worth giving up everything for her?"

Tang Yichen leaned forward, looked at grandma and Tang's mother coldly, with a hint of anger in his voice, and said: "Mom, please be respectful, this is my wife and the mother of my son, I don't want you to be old It's for her."

"You talk to me like this for an outsider, what on earth do you want!" Mrs. Tang stood up excitedly as if she lost control, walked up to Yao Yuxing, and pulled her up.

Seeing this, Tang Yichen pushed his mother away, protected Yao Yuxing behind him, and growled at Mrs. Tang, "Mom! What are you going to do! How many times do I have to tell you before you are willing to accept Xiaoyu!"

"Impossible! It is impossible for me to accept her! She is Bai Binghe's daughter, and I would not accept her even if I killed her!" Mrs. Tang lost her mind, watching her son confront her in order to protect that woman At that time, her heart felt as if someone had cut her heart a few times with a knife, and she was so painful that she couldn't speak.

"Mrs. Tang, why did the grievance between me and you extend to the children! What's more, I never thought of grabbing anything from you." Bai Binghe took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, Said, "You are so old, you don't think about yourself, you also think about the happiness of your children. Do you think that a marriage without feelings will really last long?"

Mrs. Tang looked at Bai Binghe, "You keep saying that you won't grab anything from me, but do you know that you stole my husband's heart, and he still misses you in his heart! I admit, I'm jealous of you , I also hate you, so I am not so generous to accept my rival's daughter to snatch my son away."

"It's because you are too sensitive. What reason do I have to keep thinking about the past? Who doesn't have a first love? And between me and your husband, it's just a past tense. Even if I talk about it now, I won't say it. I have to Fighting with you to the death, everyone meets fate is about fate." Bai Binghe subtracted her own prejudice, and put Yao Yuxing as the most important thing in everything, "You married Tang Jiajun because of your cultivation and fate, and Xiao Yu and Tang Yichen met and fell in love because of their fate, we don't know if they will be together in the end."

"But I hope you don't force them to break up and let their relationship take its course." Bai Binghe knew what Mrs. Tang was worried about, "We have been friends for decades, will I come back to fight with you?" Tang Jiajun, don't you know from the bottom of your heart?"

She, Bai Binghe, is a person who loves and hates clearly. When she loves someone, she is devoted to her. But if she leaves someone, she will never give him another chance.

And although she was injured, Duan Muze spent his whole life with her to heal her wounds, and used his warmth to melt and fill her heart. Why should she still be obsessed with other men?

Over the years, she has never deliberately thought of anyone or anything.

All she misses every day is the hope that she will be able to reunite with her daughter as soon as possible.

Such a hope is more than 20 years.

Although Yao Yuxing did not have a happy childhood, everything that happened during her life journey is the greatest wealth in her life, and God did not treat Yao Yuxing badly, God arranged Tang Yichen by her side.

Although there were some unhappiness between them, it was the tempering and cornerstone of their relationship after all.

(End of this chapter)

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