Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 500 Let nature take its course

Chapter 500 Let nature take its course
The atmosphere fell into a silence.

Finally, Mrs. Tang said: "Let's go."

"Mom, did you just leave like this? Yao Yuxing didn't even respond to the news." Mrs. Tang said hastily when she heard that Mrs. Tang was about to leave.

"Didn't Yichen already say that this matter was done by Jin Huan? We also need to see if it is really tricked by Shangguan's father and daughter!" Mrs. Tang's expression was serious.

Originally, the Tang family and Shangguan's family got married because they wanted to kick Yao Yuxing out.

But in the end they all underestimated Tang Yichen's feelings for Yao Yuxing, no matter what the relationship between them was, it seemed that Tang Yichen's feelings for Yao Yuxing could not be shaken.

She can also see that Tang Yichen really loves Yao Yuxing. Whether a man is willing to share his love with you can be seen from the subtle things.

"How could Jin Huan do such a thing?" Mrs. Tang still did not believe that Shangguan Jin Huan did it.

After all, so far, Shangguan Jinhuan is the only one who can beat all women and meet the conditions to marry Tang Yichen. If one day she really marries Tang Yichen, these scandals will also have a certain degree of harm to her.

Shangguan Jinhuan wouldn't be so stupid as to slap her own face!

"Go back, wait for the matter to be clarified before making a decision. If Shangguan Jinhuan really did it, I think there is no need to continue the friendship between our two families." Mrs. Tang said, walking to the white Standing in front of Binghe, she said to her: "Xiaobing, our Tang family will always welcome you as a guest."

"Old Madam Tang, thank you for your kindness. I also hope that you will let go of your prejudice against Xiaoyu and give her a chance to fall in love with Tang Yichen." Bai Binghe smiled, "Old Madam Tang, you should also pay more attention to your body. Sora, I will visit you."

"Let's talk about these things later," Mrs. Tang said.

Even though they were innocent, such a disturbance would indeed have a bad influence on the Tang family.

"I would like to disclose some important information. Our Duanmu family intends to hand over the project to the Tang Group for this project," Bai Binghe said.

When Madam Tang heard it, she heard a different meaning. She looked at Bai Binghe and said, "What do you mean! Could it be that if we don't agree with them being together, the Tang Corporation will not be able to win this project?"

"I didn't say that, I just hope that we can get closer, support each other in career, and be in-laws in family." Bai Binghe said with a smile.

"Don't think about it! Kiss more, don't be disgusting! Who wants to have a relationship with you!" Mrs. Tang snorted coldly.

"Let's go." Mrs. Tang pulled Mother Tang away.

When getting in the car, Tang's mother was a little upset, she looked at Mrs. Tang, and asked, "Mom, do you feel sorry that the woman who married Jia Jun was me instead of Bai Binghe? "

Madam Tang looked at Bai Binghe as if she was looking at her own child, and in all the years she was married to Tang Jiajun, she had never seen Madam Tang act so kindly towards her.

"Xiaobing is indeed a good woman, but this marriage cannot be forced." Mrs. Tang let go of her prejudices, and she sighed softly after finishing speaking.

Tang's mother was slightly startled, then regained her composure, and asked in a concentrated voice, "Mom, is it possible that you really believed what Bai Binghe said? Let them continue to develop?"

Mrs. Tang glanced at Tang's mother and said, "Xiaobing and Jiajun were so in love with each other, I firmly believed that they would blossom and bear fruit. There are some things, no matter how hard we try, we can't change them."

"Since this is the case, then let it go and let it take its course."

 Dear friends~~Continue to leave a message~Mememeda~
(End of this chapter)

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