Chapter 502 This Silly Girl

Tang Yichen dragged Du Lingheng to the study room, and after closing the door, Tang Yichen accused Du Lingheng in a cold voice: "Du Lingheng, you dare to partner with Xiaoyu to deceive me!"

"Yichen, I didn't do anything..." Du Lingheng looked at Tang Yichen innocently.

"If you hadn't promised Xiaoyu to help her cheat, why would so many things have happened between us!" Tang Yichen slammed his fist on the table, "What's your brain made of! How dare you hide Nianxuan's identity from me !"

Du Lingheng had lingering fears, Tang Yichen's punch just now seemed to hit his heart.

"Yichen, don't blame Xiaoyu. She wanted me to help her because she wanted to resist everything. At that time, she thought she was really a child of the Cen family, so she let you and Nianxuan do it as Grandma Tang." During the paternity test, Xiaoyu asked me to help her." Du Lingheng stepped forward, looked at Tang Yichen who was angry and said, "You are really lucky to meet such a kind girl as Xiaoyu. Cherish her well, everything she does is not to confuse you."

Tang Yichen lowered his head, an unfathomable light flashed in his dark eyes.

After a while, he clenched his fists tightly and said in a trembling voice, "This silly girl!"

His voice was full of self-blame and discomfort. He raised his indifferent and remote black eyes, looked at Du Lingheng, "You should discuss this matter with me! Or let me know!"

It's not like he questioned her without knowing it.

He had never dared to do a paternity test for Nianxuan. Grandma Tang went to Du Lingheng behind his back, and when the result came out, he was even more hopeless, and even the illusion that only existed in his heart was shattered.

It's just that Du Lingheng dared to deceive Grandma Tang and help Yao Yuxing.

"Yichen, I'm sorry, at that time Xiaoyu was crying and begging me, I couldn't help her, and her motivation was also for your own good, I..."

Du Lingheng's words behind him suddenly choked.

Because at this moment Tang Yichen, with sharp edges and corners, was so chillingly cold.

There was no trace of warmth in the gloomy black eyes.

"Du Lingheng, do you know that because of your self-assertion, I almost lost Xiaoyu!" Tang Yichen's deep voice was like ice.

When Du Lingheng heard the words, his body trembled for no reason, and a chill came from his back, and he stood stiffly in place.

After a long while, Du Lingheng finally opened his mouth and said, "Yichen, if you share your love with Xiaoyu, you won't lose her. Don't you know what she needs better than anyone else?"

"She was under great pressure to stay because of your words, but have you ever thought about her feelings? Will this action bring any harm to her?"

Tang Yichen sneered, looked at Du Lingheng coldly, and said coldly, "In the final analysis, it all started from the moment you helped her lie and conceal the truth!"

Du Lingheng sighed, "Yichen, if you want to say that, I really can't help it. I won't say what you want to say. After all, I have to bear half of the responsibility."

"If anything goes wrong with Xiaoyu's child, I can't forgive you!" Tang Yichen snorted coldly.

"Yichen, you have wronged the wrong person! What happens to the child in Xiaoyu's stomach, but it depends on you. If you don't torment Xiaoyu at night, their mother and child will be safe!"

Tang Yichen's face turned black!

A simple word, revealing his silent anger.

"Tsk tsk," Du Lingheng heard the words, tut tsk twice, shook his head and sighed, "Yichen, I have a job, but you use it as your personal doctor. You still talk to me like this? You really have no conscience." ! In this world, only Xiaoyu can endure your bad temper!"

Du Lingheng felt a pity for Yao Yuxing for picking such a worthless man like Tang Yichen.

(End of this chapter)

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