Chapter 503 She Is My Daughter
"Binghe, put more ingredients in this soup, Xiaoyu is too thin, and she is pregnant again, so she has to make up more!" Duanmuze, who was helping at the side, kept adding herbs to the soup.

Bai Binghe slapped Duanmuze's hand, frowned, picked up the spoon, and scooped out all the herbs he put in.

"This clear soup is more suitable, and there is no need to add more herbs! Is it me who makes the soup, or you!"

"I'm also worried about Xiaoyu!" Duan Muze looked anxious, "She is also my daughter."

"If you're worried, you can go and see her too." Bai Binghe gave Duan Muze a blank look.

"Hey, I used to talk to her like that, how could I have the face to see her?" Duan Muze's face was full of sorrow and self-blame.

Bai Binghe poured the medicinal materials into the trash can, then turned her head and looked at Duanmuze.

"I told you not to be so fierce to Xiaoyu at the beginning, but you didn't!" Bai Binghe sighed, "I don't know what to say about you anymore. Don't tell me you don't have that familiar feeling when you look at Xiaoyu?" ?"

Bai Binghe recalled the first time she saw Yao Yuxing in the church, she had a strong feeling in her heart.

At that time, Yao Yuxing's every frown and smile was reflected in her mind, and she couldn't get rid of it, but it became more and more intense. She even hoped that she could have something to do with that girl.

But she never expected that Yao Yuxing was really her daughter!

And she also went to the hospital to ask that friend. She said she was busy during that time, so she asked the nurse to help bring the results to her, but the nurse took the wrong file bag.

In fact, there is no need to verify anything, Bai Binghe knows from the bottom of her heart that the feeling of mother-daughter connection cannot deceive her.

"Binghe, don't mention that again, I know I'm old and dim-sighted, and I don't deserve Xiaoyu's forgiveness." Duan Muze sighed softly, "What happened to me back then! I even recognized my own daughter. don't come out!"

"It's still too late to make up for her. She is a kind girl, and she wouldn't ignore you so cruelly. Instead, your seriousness and indifference broke her heart and made her unable to accept our existence for a while." Bai Binghe asked Duanmuze to go out.

"Do you think Xiaoyu will really forgive me?" Duan Muze asked uneasily, rubbing his hands.

"How many times have I told you, my daughter will not be so stingy!" Bai Binghe went to get the thermos.

Then sat down and discussed with Duanmuze, "Ah Ze, why don't we move the market to China, after all, Xiaoyu is here, and I don't know if she is willing to accompany us back."

"I've thought about this issue too. I want to take Xiaoyu abroad to live with her and make up for what I owe her." Duanmuze took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff.

"Can you stop smoking? You can't smell Xiao Mustard, Xiaoyu and Nianxuan. Why are you still smoking in front of your children?" Bai Binghe snatched the cigarette from Duanmuze's hand, "You You have already quit smoking, why did you come back? Xiaoyu is pregnant now, if you smoke, if you want to see her, you can't!"

Duan Muze sighed softly. Wasn't it because of impatience that his addiction to cigarettes came back?
He was thinking about Yao Yuxing every day, and he didn't know how to compensate her, so he smoked after thinking about it.

"The soup is ready, I'll go make the soup first, do you want to go to the manor together to see the little fish?" Bai Binghe asked.

"Okay." Duanmuze was also helping at the side, then he carried his things, explained to Xiao Mustard, and went downstairs.

When they arrived at the manor, Tang Yichen was helping Yao Yuxing to go downstairs.

"Little fish, be careful, walk slowly, don't walk too hastily!" Tang Yichen said carefully from the side.

"Tang Yichen, are you annoying? I've never seen you so nervous about me before, why are you so annoying now?" Every time Yao Yuxing took a step, Tang Yichen would support him by his side and chatter, making Yao Yuxing really want to slap her fly him.

 In Chapter 547 above, I apologize to everyone, it is not the heroine who lost her memory, but the author who lost her memory.When I was writing that chapter, my aunt just came to the door, enduring the severe pain and finishing it, the pain made my brain twitch, I didn't expect to write about pregnancy before.That chapter has been edited, please forgive me.If you have any questions, you can tell me. I look forward to your comments. Hehe
(End of this chapter)

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