Chapter 504

"Xiaoyu, you are the key protection target now." Tang Yichen supported Yao Yuxing to sit down, and then ordered the servants to greet Duanmuze and Bai Binghe.

"It's not like I can't walk anymore." Yao Yuxing sat down beside him, and Tang Yichen immediately asked the servant to bring supplements to the kitchen.

As soon as Yao Yuxing smelled it, he frowned and pushed away, "I don't want to eat it, I eat it every day, my stomach can't stand it..."

"The doctor said that your body is too weak and needs more supplementation, and you should also do some simple yoga exercises appropriately." Tang Yichen said.

"The food Yichen tastes so bad, help me eat it!" Yao Yuxing picked up the bowl and said to Tang Yichen.

"Little fish, you can't be willful! I don't want you to have a difficult delivery during childbirth. I will be heartbroken." Tang Yichen said with a sullen face, looking into her eyes.

Yao Yuxing froze, staring at him blankly, his lips moved slightly: "What did you say?"

"When you gave birth to Nianxuan, I also arrived, but I knew very well that you didn't like to see me appear, so I hid." Tang Yichen reached out to take the bowl in her hand, spooned a spoonful of soup, It was delivered to her lips, "These medicinal soups are all made according to your physical condition, so you have to eat even if it's unpalatable."

"It's so unpalatable..." Yao Yuxing frowned, and the water in his eyes sparkled.

Tang Yichen asked the servants to go upstairs to get the candied fruit, which he had specially airlifted back from Europe for Yao Yuxing.

"Master, here are the candied fruit." The servant took a jar of candied fruit and put it on the table.

"Can I drink the soup obediently now?" Tang Yichen asked.

Yao Yuxing's brows were condensed into a caterpillar, and slowly relaxed, seeing how well-intentioned he was, she was really embarrassed to refuse, so she reached out to take the soup bowl.

"Don't move, I'll feed you." Tang Yichen glanced at her and stopped her.

Yao Yuxing gave him a wink, "My parents are here, I'm ashamed of you feeding me like this."

"Little fish, drink the soup obediently. Your father and I also made chicken soup for you, without any oil." Bai Binghe looked at the sweet scene in front of him and said with a smile: "I'll have sex with your father first." Lou is with Nianxuan."

After finishing speaking, Bai Binghe dragged Duanmuze upstairs.

Yao Yuxing's face was as red as a red apple.

"Xiaoyu, Mom and Dad have already gone upstairs, can we start drinking soup?" Tang Yichen looked at her tenderly.

He never did these things, Yao Yuxing saw what he did for her, and her heart felt warm.

I was moved even more because of what he said just now.

She had a sore nose, looked at him and asked, "When I gave birth to Nian Xuan, were you really in the hospital?"

She originally thought that he was a cold-blooded and heartless man, and even wished that she would not give birth to Nian Xuan.

"Silly girl, it's all in the past. Let's not mention it. I promise you that I will be with you every day, every minute, every second of this pregnancy until the baby is successfully delivered." He owed her Too much, and he wants to make it up to her.

And as long as he thinks about his attitude towards her in the past, he wishes he could turn back time and treat her well.

"Yichen, I know you don't like children, but I insisted on giving birth to Nianxuan. At the beginning, I wanted to take revenge on you, but when I saw Nianxuan who was still a baby, my heart softened. I shouldn't have thought like that."

Tang Yichen put down the soup bowl, hugged her into his arms, smelled the fragrance of her hair tightly, and said apologetically: "It's all my fault, it's all because of me that I made you suffer so much."

And these years, she has been holding on, he thought, if he didn't know the truth, he thought, she would plan to hide it from him for the rest of his life.

This feeling made him feel scared.

(End of this chapter)

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