Chapter 513
"Shangguan's house, I will explain clearly to them. I stopped them at the beginning because I was worried that Yichen would go nowhere. Now that Yao Yuxing and Cen Minghua have nothing to do with each other, then we don't want to pursue it anymore." Mrs. Tang said the man.

Mrs. Tang, I can't keep up the words!

In this family, no matter what she does, she can't satisfy everyone's requirements!
Even her son's marriage is out of her control.

Everyone in the Tang family knew that she married Tang Jiajun purely for the sake of her son, and if it wasn't for the fact that Tang Jiajun had sex with her that night, she would never have been able to marry him, nor would she have broken up with her former good friend. Be cheeky and fall out.

She and Bai Binghe were good friends who were inseparable in college. She also knew Tang Jiajun's feelings for Bai Binghe, and even more knew that they were going to get married in the future.

But by mistake, she married Tang Jiajun and replaced Bai Binghe.

Married to him for more than thirty years, but never got his heart, his heart has always been with Bai Binghe.

"Mom and Dad, Jia Jun, no matter what I do, you are not satisfied. In the beginning, you were all on the united front with me, and you didn't agree with their incest. Now, what's going on?" Tang Madam stood up slowly, with a touch of loneliness on her face, "However, you backed down because Yao Yuxing is Bai Binghe's daughter, just because she is Bai Binghe's daughter!"

"I know, in the past, Bai Binghe was the designated wife of your Tang family! But now I am Tang Jiajun's wife. Over the years, I have paid a lot for this family. You let Bai Binghe's daughter marry my son, How do you tell me to face all this!"

As Mrs. Tang said, she picked up her bag and left the table.

"Sister-in-law..." Mrs. Tang also stood up and called out to Mrs. Tang.

But Mrs. Tang didn't look back and left resolutely.

Just as Mrs. Tang walked to the door, it was Shangguan Ming and Shangguan Jinhuan who pushed the door open and entered.

"What are you doing here?" Mrs. Tang asked with a frown as she looked at the Shangguan father and daughter who suddenly appeared.

"Mrs. Tang, where are you going!" Shangguan Ming asked with squinted eyes, and then continued, "Let's all go in and sit down and talk about our marriage."

And the people sitting at the long table frowned for no reason when they saw Shangguan Ming's appearance.

"Shangguan Ming, it's not convenient for us to talk today, let's try another day." Tang Jiajun stood up and went to greet Shangguan Ming.

But Shangguan Ming didn't buy it, and said to Tang Jiajun, "Old Tang, how can I say that the interests involved in our two families can't be explained in one or two sentences. In a word, I want your son, marry me Daughter! If not, I will hold a press conference tomorrow for what your wife asked me to do, and don’t blame me for what happens afterwards.”

Tang Jiajun was confused when he heard this, and frowned, "What did my wife ask you to do?"

As Tang Jiajun spoke, he glanced at Mrs. Tang.

And because of this look, Mrs. Tang's body trembled for no reason.

"As a high-ranking official, tell me, what do you think of the news if you are suspected of gang crime planning?" Shangguan Ming laughed.

"Shangguanming, what nonsense are you talking about!" Mrs. Tang's face turned pale. This matter was settled without shaking!
"Since you don't want me to talk nonsense, let your son marry my daughter!" Shangguan Ming said to Madam Tang, "What have you done behind Old Tang's back, as long as you don't want me to reveal it, you can Do as I say."

"What did you do with him?" Tang Jiajun's handsome face sank, and asked in a cold voice.

He reached out and clasped Mrs. Tang's wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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