Chapter 514

"Jia Jun, let go! You don't care about my affairs!" Mrs. Tang shook her hand, trying to break free from Tang Jiajun's grasp.

"Xiaojing, is what Shangguanming said true?" Tang Jiajun stared at Mrs. Tang with a tense face, "You actually did those illegal things!"

"Jia Jun, I didn't do anything!" Mrs. Tang frowned, "Do you trust an outsider, or trust me?"

Shangguanming snorted coldly, pulled a chair, sat down, and lit a cigar, "If you don't believe me, you can investigate, or even interrogate the victim, and the popular international movie star Qin Suya is one of them." a victim of

"Back then, Mrs. Tang wanted to drive Qin Suya away from Tang Yichen. She gave her a sum of money and told her that if she wanted to be popular, she had to accept the unspoken rules. She also personally helped her co-director, producer, and investment people……"

"Shangguanming, this is our family matter, you can go back." Tang Jiajun's eyes darkened, and he said solemnly.

"Qin Suya is a victim. Mrs. Tang tried her best to make all kinds of men fall for her. She even pushed her onto me and became my little lover for a while." Shangguan Ming stood up with a smile. Get up and look at Tang Jiajun, "Old Tang, you really have a good wife! Behind the scenes, she used various means to do a lot of good things for you."

Tang Jiajun's face became more and more gloomy. He stared at Mrs. Tang's face tightly, "Xiaojing, what did our Tang family do to you? Are you going to do these things to take revenge on the Tang family?"

"I'm not asking you to go to work peacefully. If you don't like to go to work, just make a report and go home." Tang Jiajun told Mrs. Tang about the work problem a long time ago.

Mrs. Tang shook off Tang Jiajun's hand, and smiled wryly, "I did all these things because of your Tang family! That Qin Suya is only to blame for her bad luck and messing with Yichen! Just because of her A starlet from a humble background wants to marry a wealthy family?"

"I let her go and helped her gain fame and fortune. She has to thank me!"

"Xiaojing, why did you become so vicious! What kind of girl my son chooses to be with is his freedom in life. As long as he is responsible and responsible, we can't control their affairs." Tang Jiajun's face was full of grief, really Unexpectedly, his wife actually did these hook-ups behind his back.

He also dealt with the girl who fell in love with Tang Yichen.

What a sin.

"Jia Jun, why did I become vicious? I have always been like this. Yichen is my son. I can decide what kind of girl he is with!" Mrs. Tang looked at Tang Jiajun. , "In your heart, I am a demon, probably only Bai Binghe is the holy goddess in your heart! You like her so much, I will not stop your old relationship from rekindling! But don't let me Promise the marriage between him and Yao Yuxing!"

As Mrs. Tang said that, she slammed the door and left!

"It seems that we can't finish this meal. Jin Huan and I still have some things to do, so we're leaving first." Shangguan Ming took a puff of cigarette, and left with Shangguan Jinhuan.

Before Shangguan Jinhuan left, he took a special look at Yao Yuxing, looking at Yao Yuxing's pale little face, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart.

Now, telling the truth about Qin Suya, Yao Yuxing must have heard it, and felt even more guilty, and now he will definitely hesitate about the relationship with Tang Yichen.

"Dad, let's go." Shangguan Jinhuan said proudly, holding Shangguan Ming's arm.

Next, she just waited to see a good show.

The current Qin Suya, in order to save Tang Yichen, was still in a coma, she did not believe that Tang Yichen could hold a wedding with Yao Yuxing with peace of mind!
After all, everything that Qin Suya encountered at the beginning was due to his mother, and now she was injured because of saving him.

Think about it and feel wonderful!
(End of this chapter)

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