Chapter 519
When Su Qingqing heard Cao Baida's name, her heart skipped a beat.

"Cao Baida, isn't he...abroad? You have been here recently, why did you see him?" Su Qingqing was a little nervous, but she still hid her nervousness well.

"It's true that Cao Baida never came to look for you?" Shangguan Ming had doubts in his eyes.

"No..." Su Qingqing said.

"If one day he came back to look for you, would you choose him?" Shangguan Ming asked.

Su Qingqing looked at Shangguanming, and said, "You gave me a stable life. I didn't help Jinhuan's affairs. As for Cao Baida, I can't be with him anymore."

"Are you really staying by my side and being my woman?"

"Well, if I didn't stay by your side, why would I want to conceive your child?" Su Qingqing took his big hand and placed it on her stomach, "Ming, if a woman doesn't love this man , will not bear him a child."

"Qingqing, as long as you treat me with all your heart, I will definitely not treat you mother and son badly." Shangguan Ming hugged Su Qingqing and got up, "I will carry you back to the room to rest, which hotel do you want to go to for dinner tonight? I'll make a reservation later."

"Well, good!" Su Qingqing reached out to pick up the clothes and put them on.

Shangguanming dressed her himself, and carried her back to the room after dressing.

After Shangguanming left, Su Qingqing also didn't sleep well. After sleeping for a while, she felt a little hungry and got up.

As soon as Su Qingqing went downstairs, she heard the servants of Shangguan's family talking.

And the content is about her.

"Have you seen that the master's new lover is younger than the eldest lady, and now she is pregnant with the master's flesh and blood, and I don't know who will be the older and who will be the younger in this family in the future." An older aunt Gossiping.

"The world now is a world of looks. If she is not good-looking, the master will not fall in love with her." A younger man said, "How can a vixen be a mistress for someone if she is not good-looking?"

"This child is pregnant. She must be the woman that the master loves the most! The master is angry with the young master for disobedience, so he finds a woman to have a child outside. He wants to anger the young master. If the young master is obedient one day, the Shangguan family will give birth to a child." Everything is left to the young master."

"Isn't it true that everything about Shangguan's family should be given to outsiders?"

"Stop talking, look, that woman has come down."

When the servants saw Su Qingqing going downstairs, they also stopped talking, but there was no trace of fear on their faces.

Instead, they walk around the house freely, looking for work to do.

Su Qingqing walked over and said, "I'm hungry, help me make something to eat."

"What are you talking about? Are you talking to me?" The servant asked, digging his ears.

"I told you to make me something to eat. I'm hungry." Su Qingqing repeated.

"Sorry, we only do things for the eldest lady and the young master."

"You..." Su Qingqing took a deep breath, and then went into the kitchen by herself to get food.

But the refrigerator in the kitchen was clean, there was nothing, not even an egg.

Su Qingqing was stunned.

"There are cup noodles there. If you want to eat it, you can make it yourself." The servant approached the kitchen door, "All the food for today has been cleaned up, and we will buy it tomorrow."

With that said, the servant left.

Su Qingqing felt a little wronged, looking at the instant noodles, but lost her appetite.

She went back to the room and locked herself in the room.

She wanted to find someone to rely on.

But Shangguan Ming will never be her final support.

Because he found several bills for jewelry and designer bags in Shangguan Ming's pocket, but they were not for her.

And every time he talks on the phone, he avoids her.

(End of this chapter)

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