Chapter 520 I Won't Mind
Not to mention that Su Qingqing was suspicious, she followed him a few days ago.

But he found that he was not only in close contact with one woman, but several women together.

She naively thought that as long as she gave birth to him, he would devote his attention to her.

But, he didn't. He was generous with other women as well, maybe he was also letting other women give birth to him.

Thinking of this, Su Qingqing became even more determined to coax Shangguanming into marrying her and get a marriage certificate with her.

Only in this way can she get some compensation from him.

Even if she is kicked out of the Shangguan family one day in the future, as a wife, she will definitely be able to divide the property, and even her son can inherit half of the property of the Shangguan family.

The most important thing for her now is to try her best to please Shangguan Ming, making him think that she can't live without him!

And she also learned that as long as Shangguan Ming gave her money, she saved it, opened an account in her own name, and even secretly transferred the villa he bought to her name.

She knew that staying by Shangguan Ming's side would definitely not end well.

In order to tell Cao Baida the truth, she tried her best to please Shangguanming.

In the evening, Shangguanming took her to a Japanese restaurant, and they reserved a box.

This restaurant has a special service, as long as the customer asks for any service, they will satisfy it.

So Shangguanming asked them to change the theme.

Su Qingqing looked at the box and trembled for no reason.

"Qingqing, do you like it? This is specially prepared for us." Shangguan Ming asked the waiter to serve the dishes and then closed the door. Without his order, no one can come in.

The moment the door closed, Shangguan Ming picked up Su Qingqing and put it on the dining table, asked her to take off the kimono, then put the food on Su Qingqing, and a beautiful feast came.

"Ming, don't be like this..." Su Qingqing was shocked when she saw that her body was covered in food!
Moreover, there is a camera not far away, facing everything that happened here.

"Qingqing, you should understand my personality and hobbies. I like to create different surprises for my women. Don't you like the surprises I prepared for you?" Shangguan Ming asked.

Su Qingqing shuddered, "No..."

"Then do as I say now." Shangguan Ming ordered.

"Ming, can you turn off that camera?" Su Qingqing said shaking her body.

"This is exciting, and when your belly gets bigger, I won't be able to touch you anymore. If I can't help it, I can watch this video and solve the problem." Shangguan Ming rubbed his hands , said.

"Ming, you can go to other women. Although I don't want to, but if you feel uncomfortable, you can go to them." Su Qingqing grabbed Shangguan Ming's shoulders and cried, "You treat me like this , made me feel that I was just a woman who was taken care of by you, not your woman...I feel like a jerk..."

Shangguan Ming watched her cry with rain, frowned, and said, "I'm going to find other women, are you really speechless?"

Su Qingqing slandered in her heart: You are the benefactor, who cares what kind of woman you want to play with.

And now that she has a full belly, if Shangguan Ming tortures her like this again, she is worried that the fetus will not be safe.

Because the doctor told her to be careful in everything, if not careful, it is easy to miscarry.

But she dared not tell Shangguan Ming about these things, fearing that he would dislike her.

Before she gets her own things, she will act cautiously.

"I'm pregnant now, and I can't serve you, and I feel uncomfortable. You are so capable. I couldn't serve you well before I was pregnant. Now I'm pregnant... I'm afraid I will neglect you... So," Su Qingqing He paused and said, "I won't mind..."

(End of this chapter)

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