Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 52 When Did You Learn To Lie?

Chapter 52 When Did You Learn To Lie?
She turned her eyes away from him, because Grandma Tang had warned her not to tell Tang Yichen when she left.

And she didn't intend to let Tang Yichen know about it, because she also wanted to leave.

"Yao Yuxing, when did you also learn to lie?" Tang Yichen became impatient with her attitude.

Yao Yuxing sighed softly, then turned around, met his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Tang Yichen, what do you think Grandma Tang is looking for me for? She asked me to offer you a condition to leave you, and I only have one condition, then Just take my son! He doesn't belong to you, and he's not your son!"

"Nian Xuan is not your son, why do you want to separate me from him?"

Mentioning Nianxuan, Tang Yichen was furious: "I slept with me for so long, but you didn't see that you were pregnant, and I went to the peninsula with Bai Che, and even gave birth to him! Yao Yuxing, can you I really love him enough to forget how he jumped you into the fire pit with his own hands?"

"If it wasn't for your design, would Bai Che push me into this bottomless pit of fire?" Yao Yuxing beat his chest, his tears instantly seemed like pearls with a broken thread, and he couldn't stop it no matter what.

Tired of crying, she pushed him away, turned over, and buried her head in the pillow.

Her hands were tightly clutching the sheet under her body. She didn't expect that she came to beg him to let her go, but in the end it became his dinner.

Tang Yichen got up and sat on the edge of the bed. His weight caused the bed to sink a little. He originally wanted to smoke a cigarette, but thinking that she was allergic to cigarettes, he stopped.

He stared sideways at her for half a second, then got up, picked up his clothes and walked to the bathroom. Before entering the bathroom, he seemed to make a phone call.

Yao Yuxing held her breath and listened to the sound of water coming from the bathroom. She moved her body, but when she was about to get up, she found a burst of soreness in her waist. It took her a lot of effort to get off the bed.

She originally wanted to get dressed, but remembering that Tang Yichen took off her clothes and threw them under the sofa, she had to wrap her **** body with a quilt to prevent herself from having a good time.

But when she went to open the door, she couldn't unscrew it no matter what, as if it was broken, she turned it around vigorously, but it still couldn't be opened.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind her with a hint of anger.

She was so frightened that she shuddered violently, let go, and the quilt wrapped around her body fell to the ground the moment she turned around.

Tang Yichen walked towards Yao Yuxing with a dark face. He just came out of the bathroom, his body was still dripping with water, his hair was also wet, and the water drops kept falling down.

He took a step forward, and she took small steps back in fear.

She knew that she had no way out until she was cornered by him and bumped against the cold door panel behind her.

"I just want to go out to eat, I'm hungry." She reluctantly pulled out an excuse.

Yes, she is indeed hungry!Moreover, this place was also a place to eat, and he ordered food just now.

"Eat?" Tang Yichen glanced at her with his dark eagle eyes, and sneered, "Yao Yuxing, in the past three years, which time did you want to eat after finishing?"

Every time she finished, she either fell asleep or was too tired to move, at least lying on the bed for half a day.

Her actions now clearly indicate that she wants to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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