Chapter 53 Persuasion
Fortunately, he kept a hand, and when he came in, he locked the combination lock of the door.

"I haven't eaten properly for the past few days, and just now you...I'm tired and want to eat." She looked at him nervously, her voice was as small as the sound of a mosquito. I can't even convince myself.

Not to mention trying to convince Tang Yichen.

He was getting closer and closer to her, she closed her eyes suddenly in fright, clenched her hands into fists, waiting for the storm to come, she was so frightened that she forgot that she was standing in front of him naked.

"Yao Yuxing, I really didn't expect you to have a habit of being a nudist." His big hand went over her hair and rested on the door panel, spraying a cold breath on her face, and then he picked up the clothes on the ground. The quilt was stuffed on her body, and he couldn't bear to tease her, so he just ordered: "Go in and take a hot bath, and you will feel much better."

Yao Yuxing felt a little unbelievable when he heard it, and opened his eyes slightly, revealing a trace of confusion.

"Do you not understand people's words?" Seeing her performance, Tang Yichen was really about to be corrupted by her anger. His dark eyes flashed a sly light, "Do you want me to hug you?" You go in and wash together?"

"Rogue!" Yao Yuxing blushed upon hearing this, hugged the quilt with one hand, pushed him away with the other, slipped under his arm, and quickly fled into the bathroom. She quickly locked the door.

Looking at her fleeing figure, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Although he knew she would take the opportunity to escape, but when he saw it with his own eyes, his heart was still depressed.

Forget it, just let her do it once, she must be really hungry.

The family also called him, saying that Yao Yuxing hadn't had a good meal for several days.

When he thought of this, he asked the people outside to serve the dishes again.

At this time, the assistant sent him two clothing shopping bags of a certain brand, which contained brand new clothes.

After he changed his clothes, the water in the bathroom also stopped, but he didn't wait for her to come out. He got impatient, so he got up, picked up the paper bag, and walked towards the bathroom.

Raise your hand and knock on the door: "Open the door."

Yao Yuxing, who was hiding behind the door, heard the knock on the door, and even her breathing became tense and short of breath. She only had a bath towel around her body. Is it dangerous to go out like this?
She didn't want to stay in the bathroom for the rest of her life, and it was because he, the big bad wolf, was outside that she hid inside to avoid danger.

"Don't make me say it a second time!" Tang Yichen waited for a while, seeing that this little girl still didn't intend to open the door, his brows were frowned, and his voice was so cold that the air around him dropped violently!

As soon as the words fell to the ground, the bathroom door slammed open.

Seeing this, his expression softened just now, and he raised his hand and threw the paper bag to her, "Change your clothes."

The shopping bag hit her chest, and she hurried to catch it. Fortunately, the words choked in her throat just now didn't burst out. If it wasn't, she would definitely have no clothes to wear and he would punish her in other ways!

With a secret cry, she closed the door and hurriedly put on her clothes.

After she was dressed, the aroma of food came to her nostrils, and her stomach was rumbling. She lowered her eyes, looked at her stomach, raised her hand to stroke it, and muttered in a low voice: "It's true. Unbelievable belly! Hungry so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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