Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 523 Make him pay the price

Chapter 523 Make him pay the price
Hearing this, Yao Yuxing quickly raised his hand, embraced his body, shook his head and said, "Yichen, I won't allow you to do this!"

The him just now really scared her!

He exuded killing intent all over his body, as if he wanted to kill Shangguan Ming!
She didn't want him to kill someone for her.

"Xiaoyu, besides my family, you are my dearest relative in this world! I want to protect you and use my life to protect you from being hurt!" Tang Yichen really regretted not killing Shangguan just now bright!

Even if Shangguan Ming was killed, it would be difficult to vent his anger!
"Yichen, this time it was an accident. I didn't know that I would meet Shangguanming when I went to the bathroom." Thinking of the scene of being hugged by Shangguanming just now, she still had lingering fears in her heart, "How could he say that I treat me like this!"

"It's okay, I'll make him pay for it!" Tang Yichen hugged her tightly, his eyes were still cold!

"Xiaoyu, let's go and let Du Lingheng see if the baby is scared."

"The baby is fine, he's fine." Yao Yuxing said, and after a pause, he asked, "Yichen, do you think this baby is a boy or a girl?"

"As long as it is born by you, I like it!" Tang Yichen has never had any concept of patriarchy, "It doesn't matter if you have a boy or a girl."

"Yichen, I don't want you to be lonely. I want to give birth to many children. In this way, in this world, you will have many, many relatives belonging to you." Yao Yuxing lay in his arms, whispering softly Said.

"I don't want you to work too hard!" Tang Yichen knows very well how much courage and pain it takes for a woman to conceive in October and to give birth.

"Yichen, are you really willing to ask Ye Kaiwen to help with this matter?" Yao Yuxing raised his head from his chest, looked at him and asked.

"I don't believe him, I'm saving face for you." Tang Yichen scratched the tip of her nose and said softly.

"My face is really great!" Yao Yuxing said wrinkling his nose.

"If I don't give you face, who will I give it to?" Tang Yichen put her on the passenger car and fastened her seat belt.

"At present, the only way to control him is to ask the black boss for evidence of Shangguan Ming's drug trafficking." Tang Yichen looked at Yao Yuxing, "Are you reluctant to let him do this?"

"Yichen, how many times have I told you, Ye Kaiwen and I, it's nothing, we just saved him once." Yao Yuxing frowned slightly, and said, "If I hadn't saved him, I wouldn't even know I could still be a surgeon gone."

"Don't think about it! It's too dangerous to be a doctor, I won't let you touch these things." Tang Yichen drove the car and looked at her sideways.

"I see!" Yao Yuxing sat down and said softly.

"The person who shot and killed Ye Kaiwen was the daughter of Boss Hei. He was willing to help because of your sake. Seeing that this matter can only be resolved by him, I feel bad!" Tang Yichen held the steering wheel, sinking said.

After all, this is his business, and now Yao Yuxing is going to ask Ye Kaiwen for help.

"Yichen, I think Ye Kaiwen will handle the relationship with the boss Hei's daughter well." Yao Yuxing frowned and said with some anxiety.

"If Ye Kaiwen can't do it, I will come forward to deal with this matter." Tang Yichen said.

Tang Yichen sent Yao Yuxing back to the manor.

Bai Binghe and Duan Muze took Nian Xuan back to take care of him.

So now in the manor, only Tang Yichen and Yao Yuxing live.

"Xiaoyu, you didn't eat anything at the Japanese restaurant just now, I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat, what do you want to eat?" Tang Yichen sat on the sofa holding Yao Yuxing, and asked gently.

"Just give me another bowl of noodles." Yao Yuxing pursed his lips and chuckled, "Add two eggs! Sorry to trouble you!"

(End of this chapter)

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