Chapter 524
Ye Kaiwen made an appointment with Boss Hei.

"Uncle Hei, how are you doing recently?" Ye Kaiwen saw Boss Hei walking in, followed by a few stalwart subordinates.

"You step back." Boss Hei waved his hand to let the other subordinates go out.

"Yes, boss!"

After a group of people withdrew, Ye Kaiwen stepped forward and opened the chair for Boss Hei, "Uncle Hei, I have never had time to visit you, I'm sorry."

"Kevin, for what my daughter did to you, I will apologize to you on her behalf!" Black boss lit a cigar and put it in his mouth, "I have already taught her a lesson, she is really shameless! Don't you If you like her, she will kill you!"

Ye Kaiwen recalled the situation when he was hunted down by the eldest daughter of Hei, and he felt terrified. That woman was too extreme!He dare not mess with it!
Unexpectedly, if he didn't provoke her, she would provoke him!

And nearly died from her bullet.

"I'm lucky, so this matter will end." Ye Kaiwen offered a cup of tea to Boss Hei, "Uncle Hei, I mainly have something to trouble you this time."

"What's the matter? If I can help, I will definitely help you as compensation." Hei Boss was also quite satisfied with this aviation group Shaodong, and he had also taken his flight before, when there was a strong wind, But under Ye Kaiwen's control, the plane passed through the airflow, passed through the clouds, and landed safely.

That courage and calmness is what Boss Hei admires.

After several occasional encounters, they also became acquainted, and Boss Hei deliberately wanted to match Ye Kaiwen and his daughter's beautiful marriage.

"Uncle Hei, I want to ask you for a copy of Shangguan Ming's drug trafficking ledger, as well as other dark activities." Ye Kaiwen cut to the chase.

Hei Boss was stunned when he heard this, looked slowly at Ye Kaiwen, and asked with frowned eyebrows: "Kevin, what do you want these for? We are in this line of work, although it is hateful, but at least there is a way to keep a secret." What's more, revealing Shangguan Ming will also cut off my money."

"Uncle Hei, this matter is very important. I hope you can help me. You will still have money." Ye Kaiwen said in a low tone, looking at Boss Hei.

"Kevin, if there are other things, I will help you, but this one is a bit difficult." Hei Boss took a deep puff on his cigarette and said.

"Uncle Hei, I know it's embarrassing for you, but this matter is very important to me!" Ye Kaiwen took a sip of tea and said slowly.

"Kevin, what do you want Shangguan Ming's transaction ledger for?" Hei Boss asked.

Ye Kaiwen paused, and then said, "Someone asked me to help. I owe her a favor. I am willing to do whatever she wants me to do, as long as I can help her."

"She?" Boss Hei asked in a concentrated voice, "Is she a woman? What does it have to do with you?"

Ye Kaiwen told Boss Hei about being rescued, "I was hunted down by Ling Qianjin, and it was a girl who rescued me. If it wasn't for her, I think I would have died!"

Boss Hei fell into deep thought, and after a long while, he said, "Kevin, let me think about this matter. It's not that I won't help you, but Shangguan Ming's backstage is also very hard, and you can hold his transaction book. Not much use."

"As long as the account book is used, it will naturally be useful to some people." Ye Kaiwen's eyes darkened, and he said in a low voice.

"As far as I know, the Shangguan family has recently joined hands with the Cen family to form the Tang family. The people you mentioned must be the Tang family, right?"

"Uncle Hei, I really can't hide anything from you." Ye Kaiwen smiled.

"This is the news that is known all over the city. Tang Yichen also married his niece. This news is very exciting in your upper class!" Hei Boss picked up his teacup and took a sip of tea, "This matter , wrap it on me, and I'll take care of it for you."

"Uncle Hei, thank you!" Ye Kaiwen said gratefully.

"Kevin, if I have time, I'll ask my daughter to apologize to you."

"Uncle Hei, don't! It's all over!" Ye Kaiwen quickly pushed back!

(End of this chapter)

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