Chapter 525

As soon as Ye Kaiwen's words fell to the ground, the door was kicked open with a bang!

Ye Kaiwen and Hei Boss went out after hearing the prestige, only to find a fiery red girl with hot clothes, an afro head, and plain makeup appeared at the door!
"Little Pepper, why are you here!" Boss Hei looked at Ye Kaiwen worriedly when his daughter appeared here.

When Ye Kaiwen saw the woman in front of him, he shook for no reason!
"Father, you are so mean! You made an appointment with Ye Kaiwen, but you didn't tell me!" Little Pepper pulled out a gun from his leather boots, threw it directly on the table, glanced at Ye Kaiwen, and stretched out his hand to pick him up. chin, "Yo! You're still alive! How dare you refuse me!"

"Little Pepper, you are enough!" Hei boss pulled his daughter away, "Kevin and I have serious things to talk about!"

"Dad, he rejected my mother!" Little Pepper coquettishly said.

"Who wouldn't refuse a forced marriage like yours?" Boss Hei looked helpless!

Boss Hei glanced at the gun on the table. In this day and age, is there any woman who goes out with a gun?If you don't scare men away, you are a god!
"So, he rejected my old lady, and my old lady didn't know where to put her face, so he shot him dead!" Xiaojiao said with a sinister smile.

"Little pepper, you look like this, don't say it will scare Kevin away, even my subordinates don't want to marry you... a dominatrix!" The black boss stood up and slapped Xiaojiali's afro, "Before others heard When I heard my name, I was terrified, now, as soon as I hear your name, I will hide from you every few blocks!"

"You said, someone raised a beautiful daughter, why is my daughter like a poison, except for my father who dares to approach you, even a male animal dare not approach you." Boss Hei said helplessly.

"Father, what should I say, your career can be regarded as a successor! Let those scumbags cool off! They look down on me, and I don't even look down on them!" Little Pepper said, grabbing the table teapot on.

"That...tea..." Ye Kaiwen was about to remind him a few words.

"Why, doesn't my old lady even give you a cup of tea?" Seeing Ye Kaiwen nervous about the teapot, Pepper frowned and growled.

"Here!" Ye Kaiwen reached out.

Little Pepper picked up the teapot and sipped it.

"Pfft..." Little Pepper hurriedly threw the teapot away, sticking out her tongue!

"Ye Kaiwen, you bastard! Why didn't you tell me that the tea was hot!" Pepper pushed Ye Kaiwen away, rushed into the bathroom, and kept rinsing his scalded tongue with cold water.

When Pepper came out and was about to fuck, Ye Kaiwen hid behind Boss Hei.

"Little Pepper! Stop! What are you doing pointing the gun at Dad! Put the gun down!" Hei Boss raised his hand, pointing at the exploding head Pepper and said.

"Dad, this brat, he cheated on me! I must make him eat bullets this time! Watch him slowly lose too much blood and die!" Little Pepper said, and pulled the trigger.

This time, Boss Hei was also so frightened that his legs went limp!

He quickly got under the table beside him.

Seeing this, Ye Kaiwen's face was darkened!
What is going on with this father and daughter!Boss Hei was actually afraid of his daughter, so scared that he hid under the table?

"Kevin, Uncle can't help you this time! I'm not afraid of anyone but her with a gun..." Hei Boss put his palms together, asking Ye Kaiwen to ask for blessings.

However, before he finished speaking, he felt something pressing against his head, and he slowly raised his head, watching Little Pepper pointing a gun at him.

"Little Pepper, do you dare to point a gun at me?" Hei Boss thought that his daughter killed Ye Kaiwen with a gun, but he didn't expect to use a gun to deal with him. "Are you forcing me to sever the father-daughter relationship with you?"

"Dad, I love you so much, why did I break up with you?" Little Pepper smiled. When she smiled, there was a small dimple at the corner of her mouth, which was very mischievous.

"Then why don't you put down the gun? I'm your father!" Boss Hei came out from under the table.

(End of this chapter)

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