Cute wife is not good: the chief uncle is fierce

Chapter 532 Won't you snatch him from me?

Chapter 532 Won't you snatch him from me?

"Ahem!" Bai Binghe picked up the coffee, took a sip, and was about to drink it, but when she heard Hei Lili's words, she choked on the coffee and coughed continuously.

"Hey, mom, what's wrong with you?" Yao Yuxing quickly took out a few tissues and handed them to Bai Binghe.

Bai Binghe took the tissue, wiped the corners of her mouth, waved her hand and said, "I'm fine, I just choked on the coffee."

Bai Binghe raised her eyes, looked at Hei Lili, sized her up, then pursed her lips and smiled lightly, "Miss Lily, I don't think you are used to looking in the mirror."

Hei Lili raised her hand and pinched her cheek, "Am I ugly?"

Back then, before she took over her father's business, she was also a pure girl.

"Not ugly, but the shape is very strange! I don't think there is any normal man who likes his woman so weirdly?" Bai Binghe said after sorting out her emotions.

"Afro hair is the most popular nowadays. I have a graceful figure, and I don't wear makeup, and it's still tender." Hei Lili said disapprovingly, "What's more, I'm still the daughter of Hei Boss. If you take it out, Bel has face."

Bai Binghe swallowed, and said, "Miss Lily, maybe you don't quite understand what I mean... I think men like more or less normal girls..."

She said, pointing to the girls in the past, "Look, which of these girls is dressed like you? To put it nicely, it's personality, and to put it bluntly, it's non-mainstream. Non-mainstream was popular how many years ago something?"

"Then what should I do?" Hei Lili really looked at the other girls carefully this time, and she was really different from everyone else, "I've had this look for several years... If I don't dress myself like this Son, no one will listen."

"If you want people to be obedient, you are stronger than them, and I have also heard that your strength has helped your father a lot in career. Everyone respects you, but they are not willing to approach you. Other excessive relationships..."

Bai Binghe looked at Hei Lili and said, "Auntie Ye Kaiwen also knows that girl, and the girl he likes is definitely not your type. However, even if you changed your image, you once treated him so hard. Xin, I don't think there is any man who would like a woman who plays with guns, this is really too scary, isn't it?"

"Hmm..." Yao Yuxing also agreed with Bai Binghe's words, "At that time, I was having an awkward fight with Yichen and hid, but unexpectedly, I met Ye Kaiwen and was hunted down by you. After I rescued him, I asked him what happened, but As soon as he heard my question, he was in a bad mood, as if he didn't want to be mentioned in his life."

"Did I really do something wrong?" Hei Lili frowned and asked.

"Murder to silence, haven't you done anything wrong?" Bai Binghe's face was full of horror, "Miss Hei Lili, I am really amazed by your worldview..."

"Okay, I was wrong, so how can I make up for it?" Hei Lili asked modestly.

"Miss Lily, if you trust me, we can help you." Yao Yuxing looked at Hei Lili and said softly, "If you want to get Ye Kaiwen's approval, you must first change your image, and then have an open-minded heart to admit your mistakes."

"I said I like Ye Kaiwen, you really won't fight me?" Hei Lili asked.

Yao Yuxing coughed lightly, "How could I like Ye Kaiwen! The man I like is Tang Yichen, the father of my child."

"You really don't like Ye Kaiwen? How can you say that Ye Kaiwen is also very handsome, no worse than Tang Yichen." Hei Lili looked at Yao Yuxing suspiciously, trying to find a trace of disdain.

"Miss Lily, Ye Kaiwen is indeed a good man, but I don't like him. If I can see him find his home, I will be happy for him." Yao Yuxing stroked his lips and smiled lightly, his eyes extremely serious.

(End of this chapter)

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