Chapter 533 Change of Image

After a change of image, Hei Lili couldn't believe that the girl in the mirror was her!
The long hair dyed brown, pouring down like a waterfall, a small face, with light makeup, so delicate and eye-catching, the elegant dress, exuding vitality.

" it really me..." Hei Lili kept making various movements in front of the mirror, trying to make sure if she was dazzled.

She was a hot girl before, but now she is a lady. Such a big change made her unable to accept it for a moment.

"Well, it's really you..." Yao Yuxing stepped forward, took Hei Lili's hand, and said, "Miss Lili, you have become a lady now, so you have to behave like a lady, don't make such exaggerated and rude actions... ..."

"I look like this, it's weird..." Hei Lili looked at herself in the mirror, feeling uncomfortable and unaccustomed.

Looking at himself in the mirror, although he is very beautiful, he can't find his own shadow.

"Miss Lily, this is pretty good. Didn't you say that you want to chase Ye Kaiwen? First, you have to start with the style he likes, and then you can fight for it yourself." Yao Yuxing said to Hei Lili with a smile, "Come on! Get rid of some bad habits, don't be too impulsive, discuss everything slowly, understand?"

"Yes, I have to change my temper. At least before chasing Ye Kaiwen, I must be as gentle and gentle as you said..." Hei Lili said, smiling slightly, but found that she was smiling very stiffly. "What's going on here? Why are you smiling so unnaturally? Is there something wrong?"

Yao Yuxing looked at Hei Lili's smile in the mirror, and she couldn't laugh or cry, Hei Lili's smile was really forced.

"Relax, take your time." Yao Yuxing kept calming Hei Lili.

"Forget it, let's stop here today. You have done a lot to help me change my image. When I learn to laugh, I will go to Ye Kaiwen." Hei Lili gave up.

Bai Binghe pulled Yao Yuxing aside, and said to Yao Yuxing in a low voice, "Little Yu, if we help her, will we harm Ye Kaiwen? After all, Ye's group only has one son like Kevin, you Said that if Kevin fell into Lily's hands, wouldn't it be ruined?"

Yao Yuxing looked at Hei Lili, then thought about Ye Kaiwen, and associated the two of them together, they were actually a good match.

"Mom, I actually think they are a good match." Yao Yuxing said with a smile.

"If Ye Kaiwen likes Hei Lili, even if Ye Kaiwen likes Hei Lili, Ye Kaiwen's parents will not agree." Bai Binghe said softly, "If my son wants to marry a woman who is a good person, I am not willing."

"Mom, Dad was also a person in the Tao before. I am very grateful that Yichen's family did not object to us being together." Yao Yuxing breathed out, "Since Miss Lily likes Ye Kaiwen, let's help her."

"Son, have you ever heard that women chase men's interlayer gauze, and men chase women's interlayer mountain?" Bai Binghe shook her head, "I see that kid Kevin likes you, and I want him to like Hei Lili. Don't you think it's possible?"

"Auntie, what are you talking about so mysteriously?" Hei Lili came over and asked.

"I didn't say anything." Bai Binghe turned around quickly, looked at Hei Lili and said, "In the future, pay attention to your image, it looks good, read more fashion magazines, buy clothes that suit your style, speak softly, and you will Gives a good image."

"Thank you so much for today!" Hei Lili became extremely polite this time.

Hei Lili called her staff and asked them to pick her up.

A few minutes later, a dozen rough men appeared in the image shop, looking around, but they didn't see sister!

"What are you looking at?" Hei Lili wondered how their eyes were looking around, as if they were looking for something.

"Don't block me from looking for elder sister!" A man said rudely to Hei Lili.

(End of this chapter)

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