Chapter 535
When Yao Yuxing got back to the car, he leaned against the car seat, closed his eyes and said nothing, with a tired look on his face.

"This Hei Lili is also true! I don't know if you are pregnant, but you have been dragging you around for so long! You really don't treat people like people!" Bai Binghe handed Yao Yuxing a bottle of nutritional water, " Little fish, drink some nutritious water and restore your energy."

"Mummy, let me rub your legs." Nian Xuan also slapped Yao Yuxing's back and legs in a sensible way.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired." Yao Yuxing took the nutritional water, drank a couple of sips, then reached out to touch Nian Xuan's hair, "Nian Xuan is good."

"This Hei Lili is really real! She's not sensible at all! If I were Kevin, I wouldn't like her like that!" Bai Binghe rubbed Yao Yuxing's legs distressedly.

"Mom, I'll just go home and rest a bit later." Yao Yuxing comforted Bai Binghe.

"This Hei Lili, you should spend less time with her in the future, she can attack Kevin, and she certainly won't really treat you as one of her own." Bai Binghe said to Yao Yuxing.

After Yao Yuxing returned to the manor, he went to sleep.

And Bai Binghe stayed with Nianxuan until Tang Yichen came back.

"Where's Xiaoyu?" Tang Yichen asked as soon as he came back and couldn't see Yao Yuxing.

"Yichen, Xiaoyu is not feeling well, tired and resting." Bai Binghe stood up, looked at Tang Yichen and said, "She is probably really tired, let her sleep more."

Tang Yichen frowned, and asked nervously, "What's wrong with Xiaoyu? Why are you tired?"

Bai Binghe told the truth, "It was Hei Boss's daughter, Hei Lili, who found Xiaoyu and asked Xiaoyu to go shopping with her."

"Shopping?" Tang Yichen frowned, his eyes turned cold, "Xiaoyu is pregnant, how can he go shopping?"

"Don't worry, she's already asleep, she's fine." Bai Binghe said softly.

"No, I'll go up and see her." Tang Yichen tugged on his tie and went upstairs.

After Tang Yichen returned to his room, Yao Yuxing curled up and slept on his side.

He walked over, sat down beside her, tucked in the quilt for her, and gently gathered the hair on his cheeks behind his ears.

Yao Yuxing had always slept lightly, and when Tang Yichen touched her skin, she woke up.

She turned over, opened her eyes, and seeing Tang Yichen appearing in front of her, she asked, "Yichen, are you back?"

"Well, I'm back." Tang Yichen gently rubbed her hair and said softly.

"How is the matter going? Is there any movement at Shangguan's house?" Yao Yuxing sat up and leaned against the pillow Tang Yichen had prepared for her.

"You don't need to worry about these things, I will take care of them." Tang Yichen took her hand and asked in a low voice, "Why did you go shopping with Hei Lili? You are pregnant, why do you not know how to take care of yourself? ?”

"Nothing to do, just go shopping." Yao Yuxing said.

"You are tired enough, why are you still going shopping? Who is she to you, you want to risk your life to stay with her all day! Don't let me see her next time, I will teach her a lesson when I see her !" Tang Yichen gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Yichen, don't do this!" Yao Yuxing quickly raised his hand to hold his arm, shook his head and said, "At most, I'll just not accompany her next time."

"Are you still thinking about the next time?" Tang Yichen raised his hand and pinched her nose, and said angrily, "The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your baby and do some exercise properly. Don't do the drudgery of shopping. Do it again!"

"What do you want to buy, make a list, and I will arrange it."

"Actually, I'm helping Lili. Don't you dislike Ye Kaiwen approaching me? Lily wants to chase him. As long as they are together, you don't have to worry anymore." Yao Yuxing lay on his firm and reassuring chest.

"Who am I worried about? What right does he have to like you?" Tang Yichen spoke in a deep voice, coldly!

(End of this chapter)

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